My story


New member
Hello everyone I'm Jim and i'm 27 from Massachusetts Ive ben diagnosed with SA and major depression when i was 14, Ive been on alot of different meds since, I think the reason for having SA is being an only child and a very strange upbringing with my relatives who had the same thing i had so it was passed on, all on my moms side of the family I had an uncle that would spend his day sleeping in very late and crying alot, no one in that house had any friends we just had ourselves when my grandfather died everyone in the family split up which was probably the best thing my dad left my mom when i was 18, and my mom started seeing a therepist and she was diagnosed with bipolor she never had SA though, My dads side of the family is fine hes fine too but in that house my parents didnt raise me, my grandfather and my aunt did basicly I wasnt allowed out of the yard and if a friend wanted to come over we could only play in a certain area of the yard.
Now i am only on one medication klonopin and i feel great as far as depression goes SA not so good I dont really have any friends except for co workers that i consider friends but dont really hang out on weekends, I was asked to go out to a party last night i said no, sometimes i force myself and sometimes i wish i hadnt , i get picked on alot about how quiet i am and i just feel like crawling under a rock, there are steps to control this but i just havent looked into it enough, maybe i should.....


Well-known member

That's a really funny name. I take Prozac, so I guess my name should be Prolando.

Welcome to the site! You're not alone in freakin out around people.



Well-known member
Or Prozorlando, Orlzac, :)

I would be Effexian..... or Lilexor :D

Yep, Kolonojim..... we are all in this together. None of us know exactly why, or exactly what to do about it... but we are all here to get or give some hope, help, advice, suggestions, ideas, caring, & sharing.

Welcome to the SAD club... and don't worry about any 'fees', we sufferers pay our dues daily.


New member
Anonymous said:
Or Prozorlando, Orlzac, :)

I would be Effexian..... or Lilexor :D

Yep, Kolonojim..... we are all in this together. None of us know exactly why, or exactly what to do about it... but we are all here to get or give some hope, help, advice, suggestions, ideas, caring, & sharing.

Welcome to the SAD club... and don't worry about any 'fees', we sufferers pay our dues daily.

god i suck in big groups of people i had a graduation party to go to saturday it was all family and i still felt so out of place, maybe its cause i dont see them as often and its harder than if i saw them weekly, so i just drank beer the whole time and i really losened up alot so i could talk to people but i know thats the wrong way of doing it..


New member
Yes, I know how it sucks to deal with this malady. The worst part about it is you hide if from people around you, like some horrid deep dark secret.
Realize there is hope with this, you can have a better life with practice and courage...and courage you'll need.
You can win major goals if you go at it. There will be times when you backslide but that's normal. But overall, you can do better. Good luck.