My story


I'm not a kid. I wasn't a kid when the bullying started. I was 14. Yet I let it happen, I let people get to me.
They made fun of me, called me a loser, told me I was ugly. All that at least once a week.
At first I tried not to pay attention to them but that didn't make them stop. On the contrary,they continued and got even more vicious.
Now, three years later I'm afraid to go to school because I know that I will hear those insults again.
I don't want pity. I pity myself enough.
But if you have advice on how to deal with this, or how to make those guys stop treating me badly - I will really appreciate it.
Thank you.


Well-known member
They suck.

How do you ever stop bullying? Well, do you act as a victim? Do you talk back or do you look down and walk away? Do you change things you do because you're teased about them? Bullies want victims. Think about it.
No matter how intimidated you are, you have to act strong, no argument. You have to be stronger than the bullies - not by hurting them worse than they hurt you, but by being confident, which no bully is.

That advice might come too late, but I'm sure you can find something in you to pretend. And believe that you are not a loser, ugly, or anything else they say, because you aren't.

Also, do you have friends? Ones that will stand up for you? That's so helpful.

One more thing. Stop pitying yourself. Pity the people who have to gain their self-confidence by putting you down. Never pity yourself.


So this was posted like a month ago but I'm still gonna answer. I agree with Helyna, I mean, the key is to be self-confident and to tell yourself that whatever they say to you or do to you isn't affecting you at all because you know very well that you're better then them anyway.
Don't say you pity yourself. never ever pity yourself because you're being bullied. Pity them, for having nothing else to do but bullying you.

It sounds strange, and not that easy, but it is. You're the bigger person and they're just pathetic. You are better than they are and that's a fact.


Well-known member
Seriously, as they start verbally abusing you poke them in the eye with your finger, while they are still hopping about kick them in the shin.
I promise they will leave you alone after this. It may not be helpful to you
but these bastards are cowards and only do it to the quiet shy people because they haevn't the guts to treat a confident person that way. :D
I was bullied in high school. I had acne, thick glasses, terrible hair, the works. After high school, my complexion cleared, lost the glasses, was quite successful in school and career-wise. I SHOULD have forgotten about them, but I'm still SO angry. Whenever I hear a story about bullying, it makes me think of the people who used to pick on me.

Anyway, what I've realized is that dwelling on this stuff is never good. All it has done is make me silently fume and be anxious. Be strong, and never let anyone harass you. You shouldn't ignore anyone who does. Defend yourself verbally and physically if necessary, within reasonable limits of course (the last thing you want to do is get yourself into trouble). Always inform school authorities and your parents of anyone who harasses you. If your efforts fail to stop the bullying, file a legal complaint.

If I were a parent, and my kid was continually verbally and physically harrassed, I would not hesitate to slap the harasser left and right with criminal charges.