My SP cost me a dollar tonight

One dollar, or 0.48 Pounds, if you prefer. An insignificant amount.

I was a picking up a pizza at the local pizza place. The total was $12.17. I handed the cashier $20.17. With a friendly smile, he handed me back a five dollar bill and two ones.

“Seven dollars your change, sir”

I knew right away he had made a mistake. I was almost certain that if I pointed it out to him, he'd apologize and hand me the additional dollar, and we'd both be are on separate ways, forgetting about the trivial incident before we reached our homes at the end of the day. But something wouldn't let me. It was that nagging doubt, that voice in the back of my head, that I have only recently learned to call Social Anxiety, Social Phobia or SP.

“Don't make a scene”
“It's only a dollar, let it go”
“Don't take a chance of making him angry. You'll get into an argument, and everyone in the restaurant will stare and wonder what is wrong with you”

All I could do was look at the cashier and hope he would realize the mistake on his own. He didn't.

My SP was right, it was only a dollar. But how much more than that has it cost me over the years?

How many times have I let a salesman talk me into buying something that I didn't need, all because my SP didn't want me to risk offending him?
How many times have I allowed a friendship to slip away because my SP convinced me that my friends didn't really like me, and that I would be bothering them to call them up to do something with them?
How many times have I not asked a girl out because my SP convinced me that asking and being rejected is so much worse than simply not asking and never knowing what might have been?

Funny, my SP has cost me so much more than the one dollar. But it's that one insignificant dollar that I'm determined make the turning point in my battle with SP. Tonight I wasn't shortchanged a dollar; I spent a dollar, no doubt the first of many, to defeat my SP.

And I have no doubt that it can be defeated. I've observed over the years, the more time I spend at my job, the more confident I grow, to the point I can now do things that five years earlier I wouldn't have dreamed that I could ever do: giving presentations in front of groups, being able to respectfully disagree with someone face-to-face, even supervising a very small number of people. I've witnessed how I've become more and more convinced that my friends do like me for who I am, and that I need to drink less and less alcohol to be “the real me” until I'm drinking none at all. There are times when it almost seems like it has gone away.

But even now, especially now, the SP comes roaring back. It wants me to stop writing.
“C'mon, writing about a voice inside your head?”
“People will think you're stupid, crazy or both”
“No one will read this”
“Everyone will laugh at you”

I'd be lying if I said the voice wasn't giving me second thoughts about allowing anyone to read this. I know I've had similar “epiphanies” in the past, only to fall back into my same habits within a day or two. The battle is not going to be easy. But that's where you, the reader, come in. I probably don't know you; there's more than a decent chance I never will. But I'm promising you that I'm going to beat this. You may not care; it doesn't matter. My SP is always so concerned that you'll view me as a failure.

Well then, I guess my SP is going to have to realize that the biggest way I can fail in your eyes is to allow it to beat me. For that reason , you may be my strongest weapon in the battle.


Active member
youhatemyusername said:
How many times have I allowed a friendship to slip away because my SP convinced me that my friends didn't really like me, and that I would be bothering them to call them up to do something with them?
Ohhhhh I know that one. It's really strange, when I am out with friends I make people laugh constantly (maybe a bit too much). Yet when I go back home, I always feel like all I did was irritate people. I rarely ever call my few friends to do anything because I'm always worried that I like them more than they like me.


Well-known member
youhatemyusername said:
One dollar, or 0.48 Pounds, if you prefer. An insignificant amount.

I was a picking up a pizza at the local pizza place. The total was $12.17. I handed the cashier $20.17. With a friendly smile, he handed me back a five dollar bill and two ones.

“Seven dollars your change, sir”

I knew right away he had made a mistake. I was almost certain that if I pointed it out to him, he'd apologize and hand me the additional dollar, and we'd both be are on separate ways, forgetting about the trivial incident before we reached our homes at the end of the day. But something wouldn't let me. It was that nagging doubt, that voice in the back of my head, that I have only recently learned to call Social Anxiety, Social Phobia or SP.

“Don't make a scene”
“It's only a dollar, let it go”
“Don't take a chance of making him angry. You'll get into an argument, and everyone in the restaurant will stare and wonder what is wrong with you”

All I could do was look at the cashier and hope he would realize the mistake on his own. He didn't.

My SP was right, it was only a dollar. But how much more than that has it cost me over the years?

How many times have I let a salesman talk me into buying something that I didn't need, all because my SP didn't want me to risk offending him?
How many times have I allowed a friendship to slip away because my SP convinced me that my friends didn't really like me, and that I would be bothering them to call them up to do something with them?
How many times have I not asked a girl out because my SP convinced me that asking and being rejected is so much worse than simply not asking and never knowing what might have been?

Funny, my SP has cost me so much more than the one dollar. But it's that one insignificant dollar that I'm determined make the turning point in my battle with SP. Tonight I wasn't shortchanged a dollar; I spent a dollar, no doubt the first of many, to defeat my SP.

And I have no doubt that it can be defeated. I've observed over the years, the more time I spend at my job, the more confident I grow, to the point I can now do things that five years earlier I wouldn't have dreamed that I could ever do: giving presentations in front of groups, being able to respectfully disagree with someone face-to-face, even supervising a very small number of people. I've witnessed how I've become more and more convinced that my friends do like me for who I am, and that I need to drink less and less alcohol to be “the real me” until I'm drinking none at all. There are times when it almost seems like it has gone away.

But even now, especially now, the SP comes roaring back. It wants me to stop writing.
“C'mon, writing about a voice inside your head?”
“People will think you're stupid, crazy or both”
“No one will read this”
“Everyone will laugh at you”

I'd be lying if I said the voice wasn't giving me second thoughts about allowing anyone to read this. I know I've had similar “epiphanies” in the past, only to fall back into my same habits within a day or two. The battle is not going to be easy. But that's where you, the reader, come in. I probably don't know you; there's more than a decent chance I never will. But I'm promising you that I'm going to beat this. You may not care; it doesn't matter. My SP is always so concerned that you'll view me as a failure.

Well then, I guess my SP is going to have to realize that the biggest way I can fail in your eyes is to allow it to beat me. For that reason , you may be my strongest weapon in the battle.

Your story tells a very valid point and makes me (and surely many others) think. Just know that you are not alone. I read other people's stories and it makes me want to reach out and say I understand, I'm the same way...but most of the time, I talk myself into deleting it. I never have fit in with other people but it's nice that I am normal here....many others like myself are here. You don't have to worry about being a failure here. It's just ourselves who judge us the hardest.


Well-known member
"How many times have I allowed a friendship to slip away because my SP convinced me that my friends didn't really like me, and that I would be bothering them to call them up to do something with them?"

Believe it or not, you just found the answer to your problem in this text! Actually, if you took what you just wrote to heart, you'd begin to value yourself for you, not what others think... or better yet, what you think others think.

This goes for why you're afraid of confrontation, friendship... whatever else may be troubling you! You're not trusting your own opinion of you - so you try to gain the acceptance of those around you. That's why sometimes it can be so hard to take criticism, confrontation... all of that.

I'm glad to hear you're getting over it through the years, but you'll never be able to let go, unless you learn to trust yourself. Keep up the positive beliefs of being able to overcome it (because believe me, it IS possible!), and take your own text to heart, and you will have the strength to defeat it for good. I PROMISE!!

So stop paying cold, hard cash for it! I believe in you dude... all it takes is for you to do the same!

Good luck, you can do it!


Well-known member
Social Anxiety and bullying has cost me thousands in therapy, thousands in neurological testing, and thousands when I dropped out of school.

You are worried about $1???

fucking die.


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
fucking die.

Dude, what the hell? Just cause you feel bad about yourself doesn't mean you have to go around blatantly insulting people. Having an opinion is fine, but what's this all about?


Infected_Malignity said:
SocialRetahd said:
fucking die.

Dude, what the hell? Just cause you feel bad about yourself doesn't mean you have to go around blatantly insulting people. Having an opinion is fine, but what's this all about?

He himself is a bully. I find it amusing that he is always going around feeling sorry for himself telling people what bullies did to him, when he insults just about anyone who comes across him. Then again, that's what bullies do. They try to hurt people, but when someone calls them on it they play the victim card.

Just look at his signature. I can stoop to his level, and quote him saying that he hopes my 4 year old daughter is raped and murdered, but I'm above his childish games.


youhatemyusername said:
One dollar, or 0.48 Pounds, if you prefer. An insignificant amount.

I was a picking up a pizza at the local pizza place. The total was $12.17. I handed the cashier $20.17. With a friendly smile, he handed me back a five dollar bill and two ones.

“Seven dollars your change, sir”

I knew right away he had made a mistake. I was almost certain that if I pointed it out to him, he'd apologize and hand me the additional dollar, and we'd both be are on separate ways, forgetting about the trivial incident before we reached our homes at the end of the day. But something wouldn't let me. It was that nagging doubt, that voice in the back of my head, that I have only recently learned to call Social Anxiety, Social Phobia or SP.

“Don't make a scene”
“It's only a dollar, let it go”
“Don't take a chance of making him angry. You'll get into an argument, and everyone in the restaurant will stare and wonder what is wrong with you”

All I could do was look at the cashier and hope he would realize the mistake on his own. He didn't.

This reminds me of when I went to this bar called the Back Alley. A waitress there totally ripped me off by giving me $5 less than my actual change. I couldn't really do anything about it because it was busy, and they have the ability to say anything they want. So I just let it go. It's only $5 ($5.25 US Dollars).


Well-known member
SocialRetahd said:
Social Anxiety and bullying has cost me thousands in therapy, thousands in neurological testing, and thousands when I dropped out of school.

You are worried about $1???

fucking die.

I dont think you get the OPs message....its not just that one dollar its the whole principle of the dollar.....

I understand where youre coming from youhatemyusername.....
Hey thanks everyone who responded. I know some of the experiences were uniquely my own, though many were probably ones that many of the people on this board could relate to in some way or the other.

To Vancouver,
Thank you for your words. I do feel like I know what I have to do, just like an alcoholic knows he has stop drinking alcohol. The difficulty is in actually making it happen, and not just reciting the words.

SocialRetahd wrote:
Social Anxiety and bullying has cost me thousands in therapy, thousands in neurological testing, and thousands when I dropped out of school.
Sorry to hear that.
You are worried about $1???
Yup, glad to see the subtlety didn't get past you :roll:
fucking die.
I will, someday. But I'm not in any hurry. And I'll definitely conquer my SP first. Will you? You can, if you're willing.


Well-known member
hey youhatemyusername..this happens to me too and i hate it!..just the other night, i went down to the corner store..rented a movie..and the guy behind the counter gave me back 1 dollar instead of the 2 that he owed me. Line-up behind me..i stand there like a dork..really want the other dollar, but walk out..yeah, it's only a dollar, but it was my friggin dollar :evil: And it doesn't help that someone was with me, watching from the door, and says to me after.."didn't he owe you a toonie? why didn't you say something?"


maggie said:
hey youhatemyusername..this happens to me too and i hate it!..just the other night, i went down to the corner store..rented a movie..and the guy behind the counter gave me back 1 dollar instead of the 2 that he owed me. Line-up behind me..i stand there like a dork..really want the other dollar, but walk out..yeah, it's only a dollar, but it was my friggin dollar :evil: And it doesn't help that someone was with me, watching from the door, and says to me after.."didn't he owe you a toonie? why didn't you say something?"

do you mind me asking you which city you live in? I'm in calgary.


Well-known member
kyle said:
maggie said:
hey youhatemyusername..this happens to me too and i hate it!..just the other night, i went down to the corner store..rented a movie..and the guy behind the counter gave me back 1 dollar instead of the 2 that he owed me. Line-up behind me..i stand there like a dork..really want the other dollar, but walk out..yeah, it's only a dollar, but it was my friggin dollar :evil: And it doesn't help that someone was with me, watching from the door, and says to me after.."didn't he owe you a toonie? why didn't you say something?"

do you mind me asking you which city you live in? I'm in calgary.
hey kyle :) ..i don't mind you asking..i live in you like calgary? i've heard it's beautiful lucky duck :wink:


Well-known member
maggie said:
kyle said:
maggie said:
hey youhatemyusername..this happens to me too and i hate it!..just the other night, i went down to the corner store..rented a movie..and the guy behind the counter gave me back 1 dollar instead of the 2 that he owed me. Line-up behind me..i stand there like a dork..really want the other dollar, but walk out..yeah, it's only a dollar, but it was my friggin dollar :evil: And it doesn't help that someone was with me, watching from the door, and says to me after.."didn't he owe you a toonie? why didn't you say something?"

do you mind me asking you which city you live in? I'm in calgary.
hey kyle :) ..i don't mind you asking..i live in you like calgary? i've heard it's beautiful lucky duck :wink:
i think we have a love connection :wink:. but yeah maggie and OP...the same thing happened to me (i think i posted about it somewhere here) and the cashier short-changed me just cuz she thought she could get away with ripping off a shy person who wont say anything....guess again (rhymes with witch lol). all i can say is - watch out for pple like this and stand up for yourselves...i know it's easier said than done but this is a cruel world with people who want to take advantage of pple like us...if you to a supervisor.


Well-known member
shynobody said:
... ripping off a shy person who wont say anything....guess again (rhymes with witch lol). all i can say is - watch out for pple like this and stand up for yourselves...i know it's easier said than done but this is a cruel world with people who want to take advantage of pple like us...if you to a supervisor.

So, how can they see..what are we like? Few days ago i was shopping in some store...They were re-arranging the shop...I approached to the guy asking for some usb-flash stick [ I saw that he dropped some of them-exactly the type i was asking. Plus i was in front of him waiting to ask]. So, i was there - in front of him 3,4 minutes while he was transfering items/goods. He dropped it in front of me , and when i asked certain type of memory stick - he gave me the one of the group he dropped on the floor. How does he dare, mother fu*ker?

Yes, i asked for another one. But hell What should i change in my appearance that creepy human beings stop treating me like this?