My sp came in handy...


I'm slowly recovering from my SP, but tonight, I found a time where it was extremely handy... Believe it or not.

Tonight, my buddy and I were out crusing around and we saw a good female friend of mine (lacey) and her friend out walking around. They yelled at me to stop, so, I did. We talked for a while and it was pretty obvious lacey was coming onto me. Seeing this, my buddy kept nudging me to offer her a ride, so I did, she accepted, and we went driving around.

We ended up at a cemetary outside of town where lacey and I flirted around. Nothing happened, one kiss, and that's about it. My buddy, being a complete, ingnorant, selfish bastard that he is, started "grabbing" both girls. Of course, they liked it, and I was left out because of my sp. Lacey noticed that I was being left out on the fun, and mentioned it and I said that I was ok (knowing that I wasn't). I wanted in on the fun, partly because I'm a guy, but at the same time, I didn't, because I knew what it would lead to (Laceys friend already had condoms out). I'm a very devout Christian. Like I said, being the guy that I am, I wanted to take part in the festivities, but something held me back. I think it was a combination of both God and my SP.

After I started driving away, Lacery's friend said something about dropping the two of them off at someone's house, and I did just that.

I feel like I did the right thing... In fact, I know I did, but at the same time, being a guy, I feel like I didn't. I know I'll be looked down upon because of this, but at the same time, I'm probably going to be respected for my abiltiy to control myself. I can only wait, hope, and pray that things go the best way.


Well-known member
I think you did what's best for you :)
You had the chance to go further but you followed your principles! BRAVO!


I think you did the right thing....and I know what you mean about SA coming in handy sometimes. I feel like it's kept me away from a lot of scenes that I'd rather not be a part of...i.e. drinking, drugs, sex, etc. I'm grateful for that. Without SA I wonder how much farther I'd have delved into those worlds when I was younger.


Well-known member
hey, I've sometimes found that SA can come in handy, it seems that SA people never (or dont usually) get in fights or road rage or anything...

edit : yes taws you're very correct -- substance abuse is definitely something I imagine a lot of people with SA do -- for obvious reasons. you are right, and I take back some of the things I said


Well-known member
I call ppl something rhyming with "HUNTS" whilst i drive, sorry paul, i know u think i'm good :oops:


Active member
I think you did the right thing, you stuck to your beliefs. I highly respect people with morals, so few people have any nowadays.