My social world.


New member
I can be so happy at home. I walk out side and boom. I feel like the whole world revolves around me. As much as I try not think about it. O no she or he is staring at me. " stop thinking that" etc. I am so consumed by this. I hate it so much. Some days easier then others. But over all I would say I am preoccupied with this idea 80 % of the time. Any tips. Please ?


Well-known member
I wish someone would also give me tips for that!!! I find myself thinking everyone is staring at me and talking about me as well...hmmm :cry:


Well-known member
Emma said:
I wish someone would also give me tips for that!!! I find myself thinking everyone is staring at me and talking about me as well...hmmm :cry:
If you get any good tips on that subject emma please let me know? I have the same problem!


Well-known member
I used to feel like that alot more. Now its not such a big part of my SA. I feel ok walking around most of the's interacting with people...especially groups I really still struggle with.
I don't have any tips really...I just wanted to say that sometimes things do get easier in time.