My senior year feels wierd


Well-known member
When I first started high school I didnt think ahead too much, maybe I didnt think id make it this far. But the way the school year is happening is wierd. Its suppose to be a big school but the senior class is the smallest one out of all the grades. And we didnt get that many freshmen this year. There are just somedays when the school feels empty. I asked my cousin whos in 10th and he said it feels the same.

Another thing is that the younger kids look up to me. And im not used to it. I was suppose to have early dismissal but schedule got messed up and my counselor wouldnt change it even though I didnt need the classes. At the beginning of the year in these two classes theres a bunch of freshmen and sophomores who acted up. They saw me not minding them and doing my work and now they think im great or something. They talk to me a lot and with way more respect than people in my own grade and they try to get me help with stuff sometimes.

Everybody in my grade skips days a lot and has early dismissal so I dont see them a lot. I guess they got way better lives than me. And now I think even if I go to college and hopefully get a good job then its going to be worse. Even if I dont hang out with them after school ive been seeing these people all my life and now I probably never will. Its sad to me.

Get a job and work then come home everyday. Life is so pointless.


Well-known member
Fellow senior here. College, though. 22 Years old. I too feel weird but in a different way.

I'm apprehensive for a few reasons.
  • With the exception of my internship this past summer, education is all I've ever known. College is like a game that I've been playing for long enough to know the ins and outs of. Now, however, I'll be playing an entirely new game. For decades, presumably. The idea of suddenly being a Real Person™ weirds me out big time.
  • Excluding that internship, I've lived at home my entire life. Not the "coolest" thing about me, but my family is super great. Now I'll be living a 15 hour drive away. Major sad-face.
  • I picked my major arbitrarily in college. I don't hate it, but it's hardly something I'm passionate about. And now that stuff will be what I do 40-ish hours a week.
At least I'll be making actual money. And we all know that money makes you happy.

What are your plans for what happens after graduation?