My problems - is it SA?


New member
Hi. I've only just realised that there is such a thing as social anxiety.
These are my problems -

- Whenever I'm asked a question in a class, my mind always goes blank and I can't answer.
- Standing up on a bus when it gets to my stop is awful. I feel like everyone is staring at me.
- Same thing with standing up in restaurants or anywhere where people are sitting down.
- I don't like sneezing or blowing my nose in front of people cos I'm scared of what people will think.
- I can't talk in front on groups of people, even if they're not strangers, cos I'm scared that I'll say something stupid.
- I hate having to call people, in fact I try to avoid it as much as possible.
- Job interviews are my hell. I recently had one for a really good law firm but didn't go because I was convinced that I wouldn't be able to answer the questions and that they'd wonder why in the hell I had thought I was good enough for the job.
- I constantly think that I don't look good enough. I hate going to bars and clubs because I feel that everyone will think I look disgusting.
- I only ever go to the doctor when I'm in serious pain because I'm scared that there'll be nothing wrong with me at all and that he'll just think I'm stupid.

And lots more...

Does this sound like social anxiety to anyone?



Active member
sounds exactly like all the other people that have it, go get it checked out, if you feel uncomfortable about talking about these things to them or are worried that things my slip your mind... write them down or type out your symptoms and questions u might wana ask and bring it with you...


hi there! It sounds to me like SA, i too have only recently realised there was 'name' for how i've been feeling all this time,from diagnosis from Depression/Panic Atacks/General Anxiety..not helped by the fact i've read a load of books that all the sympthoms sound like mine-you could have absolutly anything! I too have the same proble,i have managed to hold down most jobs but when it gets to there being a meeting thats it i cant go.I used to have mind blanks n blushin that i couldnt speak everytime i'd pass the receptionist as she would want to talk to me & id rather just keep my head down & walk by as the feeling of blushing/panic/embarassment is so bad you feel you are just a freak.I've had it for years now probably stemming from bad childhood & bullying at school.I choose my jobs dependent on if i feel confident enough to go for the interview,i never phone my friends (what few i have) as i feel they wouldnt want to speak to me! I hate goin to the shops or supermarkets as i had a panic in one a few years ago & ever since i havent been able to rid myself of the fear(i had a panic whilst talkin to some1)SO you are not alone on this one.I had a panic to day whilst talkin for the first time to a guy i have met on the was a v brief call & made out my phone had died! If you ever want to chat about things il gladly chat to you as will all the other users on here. Chin up and stay positive! :D


Well-known member
Yup sure is SA, i know what you mean about going to the doctors. Its taken me adges to book an appointment. I was so scared that he would think i was stupid or a wimp because i though my condition wasent severe enough. Go see your GP, get it sorted, and good luck.