My life-help!!!


Hi, my name is Mike and i have been bothered by SA and OCD since a teenager. I never thought I was good enough. Never played any sports, dated, or went to parties because I always thought I wasnt good enough. I asked one girl out she said no and i never asked again I am now 32. my thinking was I didnt need friends,but that was only a coverup. Eventually I was treated for OCD and got a little bit better. I went to college but did not really talk to anyone. I didnt go anywhere. I went to class then back to the dorm. I was always jealous of others cause I felt I would never fit in. Even if i was invited i would make up excuses so I didnt have to go. I still do that now. I'm always jealous and bitter and bottle things up inside, consumed by wondering what others think about me. No way to live. Now as an adult I am lonely miserable and awkward but I never truly give up hope. I"M PISSED OFF AND SICK AND TIRED OF LIVING THIS WAY. In high school there might have been something wrong with me but now I look good, I'm athletic, and I'm living my dream. Its all residue from before that makes me into a socially awkward person. Does any body else have this problem or had it and beaten it. Made a better life. I'd like to talk to anyone who can help.

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
Hey I am glad that you are not giving hope and making a better person of yourself. I myself always try to think that I don't need anyone around me and was happy on my own, however, inside I know I would like to have some peeps to hang out. I think its cool that you working on your dream of becoming a wrestler and wish you all the best.


I can relate to you because I used to keep to myself growing up as well and there are little bits and piece of that which are obvious in my personality now in the form of awkwardness, shyness, and an introverted attitude. Do you think perhaps that maybe your problems are as a result of your attitude towards others? Is it hatred, jealousy, or carelessness?

Dont get yourself down from that one rejection. Seriously, it's not worth it. The first time I asked out a girl, I got rejected and the rest of the night was pure awkwardness. But the way I see it is that is a great learning experience. Yes I felt like **** that night, but the next few days I felt great and confident in that I personally was able to have finally built up the courage to ask someone out for the first time. Besides, you probably dont ever have to see her again if you didnt want to so who cares.

Parties, clubbing, and perhaps sports teams are probably not right for people like us. Try doing something that feels more natural to you. Small get-togethers are usually way less awkward in my opinion.


My social anxiety has begun to take a passive agressive turn. I lash out at everybody because it feels like I am standing up for myself. After yrs of taking comment after comment. I'm telling it like it is. Problem is I cant be assertive about it. I sound like a spoiled ass. Its like damned if you do, damned if you dont.

Zoya Dulzura

Active member
"I'M PISSED OFF AND SICK AND TIRED OF LIVING THIS WAY." Those are some strong words! They make me feel inspired to try to do something to help myself, as it sounds like you are motivated to do for yourself.

By your first message, it appears that you recognize that you have a lot going for you, that you a different person from who you used to be, and that at least part of you knows that you don't need to hold yourself back from changing the things in life that you want to change. Your second message sounds like you're being rather harsh on yourself. I'm pretty new here, but from what I've seen, the people here are not judgmental, so people here (myself included) are not going to interpret your words to mean you are a "spoiled ass". At least a part of you realizes that you are indeed "good enough" and deserving of the things that you want.