Hi, my name is Mike and i have been bothered by SA and OCD since a teenager. I never thought I was good enough. Never played any sports, dated, or went to parties because I always thought I wasnt good enough. I asked one girl out she said no and i never asked again I am now 32. my thinking was I didnt need friends,but that was only a coverup. Eventually I was treated for OCD and got a little bit better. I went to college but did not really talk to anyone. I didnt go anywhere. I went to class then back to the dorm. I was always jealous of others cause I felt I would never fit in. Even if i was invited i would make up excuses so I didnt have to go. I still do that now. I'm always jealous and bitter and bottle things up inside, consumed by wondering what others think about me. No way to live. Now as an adult I am lonely miserable and awkward but I never truly give up hope. I"M PISSED OFF AND SICK AND TIRED OF LIVING THIS WAY. In high school there might have been something wrong with me but now I look good, I'm athletic, and I'm living my dream. Its all residue from before that makes me into a socially awkward person. Does any body else have this problem or had it and beaten it. Made a better life. I'd like to talk to anyone who can help.