my interesting encounter with a "shy" stranger


Well-known member
I occasionally get strangers talking to me either for directions or the creepy old men who want to get to know me.

But one saturday, I was reading my book at the downtown square where people sit, and this tall guy who looks like he's around mid to late 20s comes up to me and starts talking to me. At first I was like "umm Hi" and wondering 'wtf does he want?' and apparrently he just wants to just talk to me. Then telling me that he's a tourist, and asking me what are some things to do in town and then we ran off talking about other things. After talking for like 15 minutes we exchanged email and phone numbers and he took off. What was weird and cool was that he didn't seem creepy and he didn't compliment me or get flirty, but just a normal conversation. So I, to my surprise, got really comfortable around him. I usually don't talk much or at all when I meet new people or strangers cause I'm awfully shy.

So when he left I went back to reading AND THEN 3 guys came up to me after him. I was panicking in my head and wondering why I'm being approached, and then they told me that the guy I just talked to was their friend and ask what I think of him. I'm just sitting there wondering if they're trying to hook me up with their 'friend.' I was just being kind and told them that I thought he was nice and all. Then they told me THEY FREAKIN' FILMED ME TALKING TO HIM, and at first I was shocked and thought 'OH GAWD WHY ME?' They told me they we're filming some documentary about helping shy guys to be able to talk to strangers. It surprised me that they said he was shy because I didn't get that impression at all. Wishing they didn't target me, but I guess I was an easy target being alone and didn't look busy. They showed me this girly box where they hid their camera, and asked me if it was ok. And I said it was OK cause ya know it's just a documentary .... it's not like it'll be on TV or anything. Not like it's gonna hit big and they make millions from it! I'll SUE!

Two days later ..... the "shy" guy emailed me! I actually never thought he would but apparently he did. In the email he was just thanking me for being nice and stuff to him. Told me that he was in a class for shy guys, and telling me how his teacher made him go talk to complete strangers. Also that he never done that before and says that he wants to hang with me when he comes back to SF in january. This whole thing happened years ago and I never heard from him since that email. But I will remember this random encounter as it's probably the most interesting story I could tell.


Well-known member
I think that's a great story and shows it we aren't the only shy ones out there. What are the odds that you are a shy person and you're sitting there reading and someone comes up to you who is also shy and is part of a group filming a documentary on shyness!? Probably 1 million to one, which makes it a very unique experience!


Well-known member
I'm glad you guys liked it! But now I don't sit out in public anymore cause that was just weird.


Well-known member
Wow i am glad that turned out so well cause i've got way to many not so good memories of people trying to "hook" me up. They would get some one to talk to me and stuff as if i would just instantly fall in love with the person the choose.


Well-known member
Ohh wow. I oddly find that cute.
I wonder if he knows about this site? It would be nice if he did and posted on this topic. =)