
Well-known member
I have embarrassing disabilities, a near constant case of acne, and have been degraded at school and at home.
I feel like finding a cave somewhere and taking refuge. :cry:
I feel humiliated constantly, I can barely stand it.
There isn't anyone who truly knows what it is like.

I think I've tried to mask these feelings with a tough outer shell, I can sometimes act like a real bastard to friends and family.
My dad says he used to be a really shy kid because he used to have really bad acne...

If I had acne, I'd use Proactiv. I use it right now...and I love it.

I think shyness comes from being insecure in how you look. I never wanted to smile because my teeth are discolored and although they are straight I hate them. Now I just have to ignore it because I know I can't do anything about it right now. But don't think people won't like you just because of your acne. I had to get over my teeth and try to make friends and stop focusing on if they'll notice or not. Some of my friends that I have been friends with hadn't noticed until I brought it up...and even if they did notice...they like me for me. Not because I'm perfect.


Well-known member
I don't think acne is considered a disability. There are medications that will take care of that, just go to your doctor.


Well-known member
No, not acne. They are two separate things.
I don't want to go into specifics, but I was born with disabilities.


To help with acne, talk to a doctor or dermatologist about Accutane. I took that in high school, and my skin is fine now. Hardly any breakouts, just once in a while, and pretty mild. Also eat lots of healthy stuff and drink plenty of water. Sometimes just improving one thing about your appearance can make you feel ten times better.

I'm sorry about any disabilities you might have. They can be difficult, I understand. Don't let them slow you down, though.


I used to have really bad acne. One mistake I used to make was washing my face with a strong cleanser that would dry my skin out a lot. Then I would have to use a lot of moisturizer and the moisturizer would make me get even more pimples so it was a vicious cycle. But I used sulfacet and sometimes differin and they both work excellent for me. Sometimes before I get a pimple it starts out as a itchy bump/hive. I clean it and put some sulfacet on it and in a few hours it was like it was never even there. Good Luck


Well-known member
Acne with SA is hell...I had bad acne on my forehead, braces, thick eyebrows, a terrible fashion sense, and some other things that aren't coming to me at the moment, a few years ago. However, I took accutane for my acne, got my braces off, dress nicer, got my brows waxed, and solved some other vain beauty problems. Guess what?! Nothing has changed. Still the same old shy person I always was!

I strongly suggest accutane for your acne. It works wonders and will probably boost your confidence by a lot!