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I should have known something was up when she called me around 9:30pm last night and asked if she could come over. I asked if she was in the area (by my place), and she said 'no' that she was near her house (about 20 minutes away from me). She'd never called me wanting to come over on a weeknight. I didn't think anything of it, however. When she came to my door and I tried to take her hand, she pulled away and said "we need to talk about some things" and that's when I knew what was up.
She told me she knew the relationship wasn't going to work out and that she didn't want to waste our time by dragging it on. She said her friends told her if she knew it wasn't going to work out, that she should go ahead and end the relationship now. Thing is, she burst into tears while she was telling me this and sobbed the whole time she was at my place. She even told me she cried during the entire drive over to my place. Surprisingly, I took it pretty well... at first. I was calm and understanding. I played it cool and it didn't bother me too much then. If someone saw us, they would have thought *I* was breaking up with her.
We talked a little about our differences and whether or not it was a good idea to end it. She said that she felt no "spark" with me, but was really worried that she was doing the wrong thing. I told her if that's how she felt, then it is a good idea to end it. She also said our life goals were a bit different (I told her a few weeks ago that I didn't want to move away from this city and she told me she wanted to move back home some day). She was really upset the whole time, man, I don't know if she was really that affected by breaking up with me or if she is just a very emotional person. I didn't want to drag the conversation on too long, so I stood up (we were both sitting on the couch) and she said "You want me to go?!". Sorry, but 'yeah', I did want her to go. We hugged and she said she was going to miss me. Then I said something that maybe I shouldn't have said. I told her that "I'm probably not the first guy whose heart you've ripped out" and she started crying more, but I told her I was joking (which I was... not sure why I said that...maybe, subconsciously, I wanted to get a hit in), and then kissed her. Then she left.
As soon as she left, I still felt ok, but I knew depression would set in, so I drank two beers and went to sleep. Of course I woke up a 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. I wasn't bothered by it last night, but this whole day has sucked. I was depressed and extremely anxious all day. I couldn't wait to get home from work and type this up (and drink some more
Even though we only dated for 2 months, it was pretty intense. We saw each other a few times a week and were pretty physical. It felt like it was a lot longer than 2 months- even she said so. This is, by far, the most intense relationship I've ever been in. During it, I didn't feel the need to read any of the shyness websites I usually look at. Not that I thought I was too good for them, but because I felt I had found a way to circumvent my shyness and actually be able to get a gf. Now I feel like I just got lucky with her, that she is one of the few would would tolerate by shyness and introverted personality for as long as she did.
Looking at the situation objectively as possible, her breaking up with me really was the best thing. The real reason there was no 'spark' is because I'm a boring person and don't have much to talk about. There were a bunch of times when we'd be driving or walking or whatever and we didn't have anything to talk about. She is very outgoing, but I just could never think of anything to talk about. This has always been my problem in relationships. I mean in *every single one*. I just don't have anything to talk about. I don't see how other people come up with stuff to talk about all the time. I realise that most dates you go out on are not going to turn into anything serious, but it just seems like *EVERY* relationship I attempt ends because I'm boring.
I'm going to try and be positive about this. I want to look at this relationship as a learning experience. It used to be impossible for me to ask a girl out and now I'm past that. Then I didn't really know how to date, but I'm a little better at that now. So maybe I can get something out of this. I need to learn how to talk about random stuff. I need to become more of a talker. Not change my whole personality (which is impossible), but I need to be more exciting and expressive.
Ok, sorry for the long post. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.
She told me she knew the relationship wasn't going to work out and that she didn't want to waste our time by dragging it on. She said her friends told her if she knew it wasn't going to work out, that she should go ahead and end the relationship now. Thing is, she burst into tears while she was telling me this and sobbed the whole time she was at my place. She even told me she cried during the entire drive over to my place. Surprisingly, I took it pretty well... at first. I was calm and understanding. I played it cool and it didn't bother me too much then. If someone saw us, they would have thought *I* was breaking up with her.
We talked a little about our differences and whether or not it was a good idea to end it. She said that she felt no "spark" with me, but was really worried that she was doing the wrong thing. I told her if that's how she felt, then it is a good idea to end it. She also said our life goals were a bit different (I told her a few weeks ago that I didn't want to move away from this city and she told me she wanted to move back home some day). She was really upset the whole time, man, I don't know if she was really that affected by breaking up with me or if she is just a very emotional person. I didn't want to drag the conversation on too long, so I stood up (we were both sitting on the couch) and she said "You want me to go?!". Sorry, but 'yeah', I did want her to go. We hugged and she said she was going to miss me. Then I said something that maybe I shouldn't have said. I told her that "I'm probably not the first guy whose heart you've ripped out" and she started crying more, but I told her I was joking (which I was... not sure why I said that...maybe, subconsciously, I wanted to get a hit in), and then kissed her. Then she left.
As soon as she left, I still felt ok, but I knew depression would set in, so I drank two beers and went to sleep. Of course I woke up a 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. I wasn't bothered by it last night, but this whole day has sucked. I was depressed and extremely anxious all day. I couldn't wait to get home from work and type this up (and drink some more
Even though we only dated for 2 months, it was pretty intense. We saw each other a few times a week and were pretty physical. It felt like it was a lot longer than 2 months- even she said so. This is, by far, the most intense relationship I've ever been in. During it, I didn't feel the need to read any of the shyness websites I usually look at. Not that I thought I was too good for them, but because I felt I had found a way to circumvent my shyness and actually be able to get a gf. Now I feel like I just got lucky with her, that she is one of the few would would tolerate by shyness and introverted personality for as long as she did.
Looking at the situation objectively as possible, her breaking up with me really was the best thing. The real reason there was no 'spark' is because I'm a boring person and don't have much to talk about. There were a bunch of times when we'd be driving or walking or whatever and we didn't have anything to talk about. She is very outgoing, but I just could never think of anything to talk about. This has always been my problem in relationships. I mean in *every single one*. I just don't have anything to talk about. I don't see how other people come up with stuff to talk about all the time. I realise that most dates you go out on are not going to turn into anything serious, but it just seems like *EVERY* relationship I attempt ends because I'm boring.
I'm going to try and be positive about this. I want to look at this relationship as a learning experience. It used to be impossible for me to ask a girl out and now I'm past that. Then I didn't really know how to date, but I'm a little better at that now. So maybe I can get something out of this. I need to learn how to talk about random stuff. I need to become more of a talker. Not change my whole personality (which is impossible), but I need to be more exciting and expressive.
Ok, sorry for the long post. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks.