my experience


New member
I admit not as bad as some of the ones I have read on other websites and heard about. I'm in my late teens and have had this for about 3/4 years now.
Noticed it after one summer, thought it was normal because it was boiling weather but then winter came and it didnt stop. I've been to see my doctor and they said botocs injections were an option but they think it's a phase in growing up that I'm going through. I was thinking that way but now I don't I've accepted it and have learned to live with it, I only wear black and white tops because the marks don't show then. I would not be able to take the embarrasment if my friends saw them, they are great but they wouldn't understand that it is something I can't help. The worst was school uniform, blue shirts and in the summer of doing my gcse's I never took off my cardigan even though I was melting as it was so hot I didn't want anyone to see and looking round I never saw anybody from any years that had the marks I did. I did go and see my doctor after about a year when I was growing tired of not knowing exactly what was wrong with me. They prescribed me an antiperspirent called Driclor. This burned my under arms I was in so much pain I had to return to the doctors and then have medicated cream for them. I am weary of trying another antiperspirent I havn't heard of before, after using this. I do use a regular deodrant stick even though this doesn't do anything for me, I have no odur problems which I am thankful for but I have recently come across a product called Perspi-Guard and I wondered if anybody has heard of it or even tried this for themselves?
If anybody has I would be really gratefull if you could give some advice about it please
Thanks for taking the time to read this, it is comforting to know other people have this and I'm not alone with it
