My cousin the bully


New member
I posted this today because I will see him this weekend

Well he bullies me and my brother not physically but mentally.
He only does it when I see him i.e. weddings parties etc.

Heres what he does

He will shake all the guys expect mine however he would be fine about saying hi to me and sitting next to me and talking to me that’s very embarrassing I wonder what someone else would do in my situation

Also when he walks past me sometimes he will push me or punch me lightly, one day I saw him there and then and looked at him and he tried to laugh it of.

I wouldn’t know how to confront him; if I did I know he would not start an argument in front of everyone.

He also does things like for example if I go in the same room as him he sometimes leaves.

Once my brother didn’t come to a wedding then he goes what an idiot then acts normal after that...

He is quite academically clever he got a 1st now works in an investment bank.

I will see him this weekend at a wedding and next moth at a wedding


Well-known member
He works in an investment bank? I'm not surprised. Bullying and intimidation is rife in that industry. It's cut throat.

But it explains why hes a c***.


Active member
Yes, assert yourself, do make a scene, so long as you can take control of the situation. Next time he tries to sit next to you tell him plainly in front of everyone: "Get up! I do not want you sitting next to me, you obnoxious mean spirited windbag! And how dare you badmouth my brother! Just keep at arm's length from me at all times, you creep. Vamoose!"