My Apologies...


Well-known member
Hey guys...well its been a long while since I've posted on this forum. The reason that on for my absence is that I've kind of realized that I'm not afflicted with hyperhidrosis. Over the last year, my sweating has subsided to what I'd like to call normal levels. My "affliction" was simply the product of a few over-active hormones in my body. Having said that, I would like to apologize for coming to this forum and using it as an outlet for my frustration with my body. Good luck to all of you, and take comfort in the fact that many of you will grow out of it, just be patient.

I know that might sound like an extremely insensitive thing to say. Believe me, I grew extremely frustrated from hearing that whenever I would open my mouth to complain about the amount of sweat my body was expelling. I know what it feels like, to be sitting in a room full of people in jackets and sweaters, and to have a damp ring extending a full inch past your armpit. I know what it feels like to have people notice the sweat on you; to smell it. I have learned that what people think of you *isn't* the biggest thing in the world. I have learned that there will always be a group of people that will stick with you. Cherish these people. Whether they're your friends, family, a teacher, maybe your youth director - they are the people who really matter in your life. Forget about the insensitive jerks who think that a little body odor is what defines you as a person. I'm sure that anyone who is concerned enough about the amount they sweat to come to an internet forum and ask questions about it have better hygiene then those jerks could imagine. Some of you guys probably take 2 or 3 showers a day, and go through sticks of deodorant like they go McDonald's cheeseburgers! They have no clue what your lives are like, and for them to try and judge you by their standards is both unfair to you, and to everyone afflicted with HH.

So in closing. Don't be afraid to live your lives. Everyone deserves a shot at doing that without having to worry about how much they're sweating..go after it.