Moving and School Experiences


Well-known member
First of all excuse me if I mispelled experiences :D

Santa Rosa, California, USA:
In elementary school -1st through the beginning of 6th - life was amazing. No signs of social anxiety, I was somewhat outgoing. Knew mostly everyone in my grade, socialized with lots of people plus my teachers. Things were going way well. I even had a best friend, who was like a brother to me.

But then.. we moved (that sounded so dramatic)

Corona, California, USA: (about 9 to 11 hour drive from Santa Rosa)
At my new school I was shy, and everyone was just so... Different. The teacher's weren't super-friendly like my passed ones. All the students were just too different. No one wanted to just chill. They were all into basketball(The only sport that I'll ever be into is soccer), or something else.. No one took the time to meet me.
And most of the people who did actually talk to me, were just messing with me. So I'd just wait around my classroom for class to start most of the time.

And I think that's when my SocialPhobia/SocialAnxiety started out.

Then middle school came, and I attended about half of 7th grade. I made my first ever Corona friend there. He was hella friendly, smart, stuff like that. He was also into some of the stuff I was into. And we talked inbetween classes, and during the classes we had. Another friend I made was a skater/punk (Lol, imagine me being in that clique xD). He was really chill, as well. Just liked to hang out and talk and whatnot. But he ditched our group for the other skaters and druggies.

Irvine, California, USA: (about an hour or two drive from Corona)
I can't believe it. I was finally making progress in Corona, and we move to a completely different place. I was heartbroken. The house, the community, everything that was FINALLY growing on me was now all in the past. I don't remember much of middle school in Irvine.. The teachers were all grouchy, overweight, crusty, old, pissy, hags. Most of 7th.. I had no friends :D ...
Though, during when I joined the middle school, someone else did about a day earlier. His name was John, and he was my first friend there. He befriended me when he saw me alone at lunch. And we talked a lot, and were into the same things I was. But halfway through he kind of ditched me for other friends (Ikinda dont blame him. I was really stupid and geeky back then; and to me, he was really cool)
So I just joined the geek/nerd clique... Just to have somewhere to go. I was distant from all of them. I don't really consider any of them friends (I still know them. There's only about one that's actually down-to-earth/friendly/outgoing). Some were even emberassing to be around, during lunch. But I held on. I barely talked much, during lunch when we sat at a table
Then, because of a some D's, an F, and a C (this school was much MUCH harder than the other schools I've been to) my mom moved me to homeschool. But I returned the seconds half of 8th grade. And it was basically the same as 7th.

Then, high school comes. Freshman year is about the same as my middle school expirience. Sophomore year... I'm a lot more mature, have a better grasp on hygiene, and stuff like that. I begin to make friends that don't come to my school. Still no friends at school. I went to this one group, just to have somewhere to go again. They werent nerds. They were all middle-eastern (I don't get why people make clique's out of nationalities. But hey. it worked) and friendly. And I'm still around them, even though I'm quiet around some, and distant from the whole group. Throughout the year, I started become somewhat less quiet. I was somewhat good at small talk, as long as the other person approached me. Teachers are still all ****ty at this school.
And now I'm a junior. I have quite a number of really close friends... Outside of school. So I'm still friendless at my own school LOL.

So, what about you guys? School and moving stories? I DEFINETLY don't expect it to be as long as this post, since I just kind of wanted to get it out there.


Well-known member
Interesting, I think my social anxiety began after I moved to a different school also.

Kindergarten-beginning of 5th grade I went to Bethany elementary in Oregon. I had 2 friends and a really close friend who was basically a sister and whose family was basically my second family. Her mom treated me above her own, and their family took me everywhere I never got to go with my own. I got along amazingly with my classmates, they respected me and always seemed to silently nominate me for the leadership role in games and in group projects and such. My teachers were almost second parents to me, I was always favored by them for being so modest. My 2nd and 3rd and grade teachers even came to the going away party we had. My dad had lost his job and we're Canadian (despite the fact that we were 3 months away from gaining citizenship) so we had to scurry on back to Canada. Anyway when we got here, I immediately made one close friend, she had just moved from California and my mom called her mom to "set us up" as friends. I also befriended one other girl who had just moved here and later in the year I befriended another girl who had just moved. Quite obviously, the rest of the school kids excluded us all so we bonded. All of the girls at this school were thin and pretty and covered in makeup and all of the guys were into sports The two gender sides flirted and dated, and this was still all new and strange to me. The pudgy, poofy haired kid in sweatpants felt like an outcast among these people. I was often called names but I didn't take much notice of them, plus I was extremely oblivious. The teachers, who used to be parental figures to me, at this new school were mean and old. The teacher even told my mom that I was nothing special, the teacher didn't even like me. I think a lot of my social insecurities were brought out in this period of my life from the jagged contrast between these two schools. I would say this and many other factors contributed to the anxiety I have...