mild ocd?


Hi everyone,

My name is Luke and I am 15 years old, and recently I have been studying OCD on the internet as i am showing mild symptoms. At the moment the symptoms are only very mild and it is not interfering with my social or school life. symptoms such as counting and having to do things repeatedly (such as closing doors) to make sure it is fully closed.

There is one symptom though, that is more severe than the rest. Just under 2 months ago I watched a video. At the time it made me feel ill and was very disturbing. I have realized since that the video was not real and am trying to deal with it. Every day since, the video has just popped into my head and i cannot forget it. Some days it is less sever than others.

After looking at certain topics in this forum this seems to be a symptom of ocd. As in distressing thoughts that you cannot forget or ignore. As i said it is not intefering with my social or school life yet, but it is worrying me.

Also i realized another topic in this forum that said that a certain persons ocd waas caused by hyperthyroidism. I currently have mild hyperthyroidism and am undergoing tests to determine the cause.

As i said ive had lots of obsessions. Each one i suppose goes through a fase. Eg touching things twice to make it 'even'. and counting in my head. I suspect that remembering this video may be another fase in this cycle.

Im afraid to tell my parents at the moment, as they will probably say "dont be stupid" and will not want to pay for any therapy or medication and stuff like that.

IT would be greatly appreciated if someone could perhaps confirm that these are symptoms of ocd and perhaps give me some advice. If this has absolutely nothing to do with ocd then perhaps you could suggest what else it might be.

thx in advance, Luke.


Well-known member
sounds like textbook ocd to me

just out of curiosity, what was the video of?

i highly doubt that its content would surprise anybody here

the ocd mind dwells on the darker parts of humanity


umm, it was a video of a hostage in iraq being beheaded (i think thats how you spell it) :/.

oh and I thought I might be able to get some more replys on this topic :(

No-one can tell me that perhaps im an idiot and this has nothing to do with ocd?


The thing you said "to make it feel even' sounds like OCD, say a few more of you're symptoms, does it causes anxiety to refrain from doing it?


well, I pretty much force myself to do it, because if I dont, im convinced something bad will happen.


It sounds to me like OCD, it confuses you're subconscious with whats dangerous and what is not, like a tap for example, say someone with OCD who had obsessions with taps knew consciously it is not particularly dangerous to operate, the subconscious is still thinking it could be dangerous and is making you anxious so you can consciously respond to the situation, there is no danger though, so manually you have to stop the compulsive action or else you're subconscious thinks its working accordingly, its hard to do but you can do it, try to stay positive always, read on exposure and response therapy.


Well-known member
Mild OCD

Do not be afraid to confide in someone, be it your parents or a trusted friend and get the help you need. Beat OCD in the early stages and do not wait for it to really impact your life in a negative way. I have hidden my SA from friends and family. I avoided all social interaction by hiding in my room and read. Today, I am all alone and with no social skills. But the good think is, I love reading and watching movies on TV, so my holidays/being at home is fun as long as I have enough books to read and good movies to watch!But...........

You have a chance for a normal live,go for it. I am sure all us(social phobics) would have made different choices if we had known where our actions would lead us to. We have to work so much harder to overcome the condition as we have become accustomed to our way of life and change, even, for the better is extremely hard.
Do not get caught!



"No-one can tell me that perhaps im an idiot and this has nothing to do with ocd?"

When you said that line, it reminded me of myself, although it may not apply because it could be just be me. I myself, also wonder if I am OCD, which I have been told numerous times by doctors that I am. So I can relate to the conflict your having in your head. When you said "No-one can tell me that perhaps im an idiot and this has nothing to do with ocd?" I think that does help distinguish that you may suffer from OCD or another mental disorder. I say this NOT because I am a doctor, but just from my own experience. I am 22, and since I was 15 I have used that same line because I often feel I need reassurances that is what I am thinking isn't normal... or maybe it's just me. I've also come to realize, that if you are asking yourself that question, you could consult a doctor. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your parents, how about talking to a counselor at your school. I know it may seem if can be difficult to explain in words, but I've learned in my experience, if you reach out there is always someone there to help.