mid-20's in NYC


hi, i'm new to this forum. i'm 24 years old and my social anxiety is pretty much centered around girls. i can handle basically anything else. sometimes if i feel like i'm trapped in a crowded bar-type setting and i don't have close friends with me, i'll have a minor attack then too, wherei just need to go outside and sit down for a minute. i also get nervous when i'm put on the spot at work, like giving a presentation or going on an interview, but provided i don't eat anything beforehand, i can manage with that (although i would like to get to a point where i CAN eat).

but anyway, girls are the main issue and always have been. just as an example, say i'm sitting in a restaurant with a girl i like. i IMMEDIATELY start to feel trapped and get this intense fear that she's going to notice me doing something weird or that she can see that i'm really nervous. i start sweating, get very fidgety, and then the extreme dizziness starts (is that the same thing as derealization???) then i have to run to the bathroom and throw up until i feel calm enough to come back out. even after that happens though, i still can't eat.

that's not the full story, but that's the jist of the problem. if anyone has any advice, i can go deeper into the problem.

can anyone else relate to this? i'd appreciate any advice. thanks so much for reading![/i]