Manifestation of Bad Karma?


Does anybody feel like I do, that this emotional problem we are suffering from might be the manifestation of karma for past deeds, perhaps even in past lives? I have a strong suspicion that this might be the case, in fact its the only logical way I can explain it. When I was a kid, I was pretty bad, I was mean and unruly, and quite often I would laugh and ridicule others. Could this have been a hangover from my previous life? Latter I developed a painful shyness, which I believe humbled me, and is still in the process of humbling me today. Honestly, it has made me a good person, or at least a better person, then I think I might have been otherwise. Maybe this is the universe's attempt at balance. This might seem strange, especially for my first post, but I hope that someone can relate, because these are the parameters I like to think in quite often, and if you believe in past lives, it might just make sense.


Man I Just think u might be right

its crazy because all through elementry school i was a huge class clown always disruptive but got laughs. Think I jus loved attention more than anything. I was pretty popular then i mean I was a jerk to alot of people but had friends, and now this has made me so much more sensitive and better person but I hate the way this feels more than anything its hell.. Iv done alot to get better tho you can to, but u always have tho's days when u slip flat on ur face its so hard. Fighting everyday tho


Well-known member
hey sweetie, if nothing else you have insight now. you can't blame yourself for how you feel now, it's something that's happened to you. keep your head up, you're a better person now for it too. even in the dark depressing face of anxiety you can see how you've changed for the better. life may not be better now but in the long run you'll be fine. hang in there, you'll make it - i speak from experience.


Well-known member
When i was younger i did some bad things,i used to smash things,set fires etc amoungst worse things i would rather not go into,back then i didnt care about anyones feelings didnt spare a thought for the poor guys buissness i just burnt down.

Now i feel everything,and can view everything from other peoples perspective,stops me doing bad things and on the whole has made me a better person.Maybe God has punished me for past sins,i have grown up alot in the past few years as spending so much time alone gives me an amazing amount of time to re think past actions and now the regret kicks in and wont let me forget the past for 1 single day.


i doubt it. If you develop shyness/SA from commiting bad deeds, why don't people who have killed others developed it


Well-known member
EmptyWords said:
i doubt it. If you develop shyness/SA from commiting bad deeds, why don't people who have killed others developed it

they will pay for their deeds in a next life, I really believe in this kinda stuff, I did something horrible in a past life, now I'm paying up for it, next life(or even still this life) I will have done my time and will be freed, this is the law of the universe


Well-known member
That thought has crossed my mind - about me being punished in this life for being naughty in another - well i hope the bitch enjoyed herself. No it's nothing i take seriously though just thoughts.
I guess it seems almost reasonable to 'rationalise' it as karma - i mean this does feel like a punishment.
You know, how you behave as a child is determined through observation -we as children don't know how to behave or what to do so we watch and learn and mimic - our behaviour is not some evil or badness inside of us - kids are no such things.


Well-known member

hmm, i funneh u say that coz thats what i think its is too. lifes way of teaching you a lesson like. buddists belive the amount of bad karma u gain through your life determins what u will come back as once you die. so if ur a murder/rapist ur gonna come back as a worm, well alonf them lines. so maybe lifes giving u chance to redeem yourself. even tho being a jerk isnt half as bad a raping someone, it still counts as bad karma.
does anyonme no how u find out what u were in a previous life, or who u were? i would really love to look into it. i also think life is a big test for something more complex.
peace out x


If you want to know your past life,look at your present condition, if you want to know your future life, look at your present actions. Buddha