Making progress and meeting people

Firstly i'd like to say hello to you all here.

So recently i have had to face my fears and spend time around people. Mostly women, around my age. Its always been a struggle for me, and i haven't had much life experiences at all, which i think lowers my chances of dating.

What i am starting to do, is getting in situations where i actually have to
chat with them. Its really nice/exciting, but it can get very mentally draining.
Its difficult to guage whether i am making a good impression or not. And its easy to get intimidated/panic!

I need to get used to dealing with the "high" feelings of meeting people, and to not panic or get anxious. It can be very overwhelming and its like that buzzing "woah, theres a chance they like me!". I dont get many chances to meet/talk.

I'm wondering if i can make progress soon, or whether i will feel anxious/lame
for many years despite "getting out there" and meeting people.

I hope its possible to do well socially, because i can get a good reaction/rapport with people. I just get confused because half of their actions are positive, while other actions seem closed and negative. I'm guessing that the negativity is due to my social incompetence.

Basically i just needed to write this down, because i feel anxiety/excitement because i like talking to people, but i am still very apprehensive about going out. What if i was to actually meet someone and they wanted me to go somewhere with them? (i dont think that would be likely now, but its happened in the past).

I shouldn't be so scared, and i should just go out and do things. Easier said than done, when like me, nothing has ever happened in life!

Staying positive is key, i hope i haven't bored everyone, i'm hoping some of you may have some advice....


Well-known member
What if i was to actually meet someone and they wanted me to go somewhere with them? (i dont think that would be likely now, but its happened in the past).

Just go with the flow and have fun.

You're definitely taking the right steps towards a brighter future. Just keep on doing it...I know it's hard from the start but it will get easier over time, 100%.