Making plans online?


New member
Hi guys. :)

So, it's half-term and I really want to arrange to meet up with two of my friends from primary school, Louise and Jess.

Me and Louise are really close friends and I saw her Mum last week and she said me and her should meet up as Louise is having a tough time and feeling rather depressed lately. (We got to seperate schools and she, like me, is shy).

However, Jess is also one of my bestfriends but I don't think she counts me as one of hers as she has lots of friends at her school (she goes to a different school to both me and Louise). Us three usually meet up once every few months and last time (around 2 months ago) Jess was nearly an hour late which gave us the impression she wasn't bothered about meeting us and didn't really care. I'm thinking of texting both Jess and Louise about meeting up and perhaps going shopping or to the cinema but what do I say in the text? I've always had issues with having to arrange plans and I always let others do it, but this time I want to arrange it. Or should I just go somewhere with Louise and leave Jess out..

HELPPP please. : )


you should call both of them, just because one was late last time does not necessarily mean she is ignoring you.