Make a speech


New member
Hi, I have what should be a very small problem but what to me is very huge.

For 2 months, i have been putting off a speech in school. I am supposed to talk about anything, for 5 minutes. I have no idea what to talk about, and just the thought of doing it or even writing the material makes me sick and dizzy. Right now, I do feel death is a better option.

Help? :oops:


Well-known member
:arrow: Hi swiftie. I know exactly how you feel. this used to happen to me in school & i felt sick to my stomach. I dont think there is any advice i can give you except for try talking to your teacher if thats possible. tell him/her that you have an anxiety problem & the teacher mite say then just do it in front of me. thats what mine used to do. or otherwise visit you school councilor & have a chat to him/her about the problem. Death is not a better option. try keep you chin up ok! :wink:


New member
Well, the thing is that I have spoke to my teacher and she has said, yes, you can do it in front of me only. Still Im as nervous as i was before... Even though she probably knows i feel nervous about it, I feel terribly nervous about making the speech. I mean, I could fail totally. Thanks for helping out


Well-known member
I had to do this in school for my English GCSE. I decided to do mine at lunch time in front of a few friends and the teacher, still shook like mad doing it, but i had prepared so much that i was able to concentrate on the speech and forget the anxiety. I think that you should definatly prepare something, because when it comes to doing this and you have nothing to say, you will feel a 100x worse. Just practice in the mirror and infront of a parent/friend and im sure u will be fine

Good luck 8)


I've actually don't have huge problems with holding speeches. I've held several in the classroom, and yeah I'm usually a bit nervous but I just "throw myself into it". and just do it. It works.

Actually, we had this carneval-thing at the school where I got the role as "The Poet". I had to go up infront of the WHOLE SCHOOL(About over 150 students). I had to write the poem myself, witch went fine. (I tend to not see far into the future, when something happens THEN its when I feel it.) Anyway, I was shaking of nervousness... but I did it, and people really liked it.

So maybe like "just do it" might help. Or not.
Like said, practicing and haveing written notes are good ideas.

Good luck! I'm crossing my fingers for you! :)