loosing my mind


Well-known member
In the midstof a panic in socail situations or thinking about being in one how can I stop or control the part where I think I"m loosing my mind. BEcause if I could stop that then they wouldn't be so bad. I get worse when I think i"m starting to go crazy then the panic and anxiety goes through the roof


Well-known member
i think you should rethink how you look at panics altogether. it took me to relax about blushing and just let it roll off my shoulders to get me to stop the tendency to blush.

try to remain calm when you feel it coming and tell yourself it's not the end of the world if one happens. it's just a part of life that you can't change. i think once you lower your anxiety, you'll have better results

take care


You have to remember to breathe when facing a social situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. For some reason, alot of people have the tendency to tighten up, making the anxiety that much worse. CBT teaches you some good breathing techniques to control anxiety....


Well-known member
Have you tried the rubber band trick.It use to help me when I would have really bad panic attacks.



Eating chewing gum may help?I chew it often in classes, i may look like a horse but as long as i dont panic and blush then why shud i care lol!


Well-known member
allanboy said:
Rubber band trick?

The idea is by snapping a rubber band on your wrist as a way of bringing your mind to the present and away from your imagined catastrophe.It work for me by distract my mind.Works for some not for other.


Well-known member
the chewihn gum or rubberband doesn't work for me. I make sure that I am not chewing gum because I'll be fine chewing it until I am in a social scene then the juice doesn't go down my throat very well and I get sick to my stomache. As for the rubberband nothing short of a full on sprint gets me out into the now!!!


Well-known member
i used to go to the washroom splash my face with cold tap water and stare at my own reflection..some sort like giving myself and maybe my anxiety a warning...but nowadays that doesn't help me anymore..

now i can only remind myself that it's all my brain thing.. and when i started to feel uncomfortable i keep telling me that hey tey're all your family.. then my brain will begin to 'title' people... such as this woman is my mother.. he's my brother u know just someone close .. i guess it's imagination 8O i dont know.. now i'm blabbering.. sorry.. u may want to try :wink:


Well-known member
Ya isn't weord we get it even with family! I keep saying it's just my mom or my beother ...what the hell


Active member
yeh i just tell myself that its all in my head i make myself panic so i only have myself to blame for how im feelin then just kinda makes calm down for some reason coz it makes me realise it is all in my head so nothing bad can actually happen to me

the rubber band trick worked for me the few times i tried it and breathing definitely helps to calm me down and also rescue remedy bach flower remedy drops really help to calm me the comfort and reassure one its worth a try xx


Well-known member
Candi...How do you carry on a relationship with your bf if he doesn't know? If I wouldn't have already have been living with mine when mine started I couldn't imagine dating. I find it easier also to be with people who know of my situation. I took him to therapy a few times with me so he knows to pull over if I start to have a panic attack in the car which makes it worse actually becasue all focus comes on me like I'm making a big scene, but he knows some of the techniques to get me out of one. A few days ago He thought I was getting nervous and panicky so he said stand up and lift up the coffee table. I did and it went away.