loosing family because of sp


Well-known member
Im in a really dark place at the moment::(:
I have managed to offend every person I know over the last week. Im so depressed I feel detached. I visited my family last night and I couldnt speak::(: my bf kept trying to bring me into conversations and I just couldnt speak.....I just sat there looking like I hated being there ( I did, though it was because of me not them )
I couldnt feel happy, I couldnt feel interested in anything anyone had to say.
My brother and his gf now hate me and refused to look at me as they spoke to my bf. They didnt even say goodbye to me..........We all used to be really close. It is usually anxiety that I feel while im there now its just sheer depression. I feel like ive let everyone down, they all used to think I could do anything now they think im a problem. I dont feel a part of my own family anymore::(:
I tried to hide my tears as my bf tried to overly praise my mum for the meal even though the atmosphere was awful i made everyone uncomfortable.

I carnt even bring myself to appologise......I keep looking at the pictures from a few years ago when we were all happy....my family were everything to me::(: