looks like im not broken after all.


Well-known member
For as long as i can remember i have been picked on, beat up and labeled as a geek or nerd, dork, loser, idiot, stupid, immature. the list goes on, but hey the way i see it, the freaks and weirdos are the ones who make it big when they are older if pissed off enough. but compared to the people that messed with me in school im doing waaaaaaaaay better than them. i like how that turned out.

Even though i help others with problems as my job, I still have a LOT of baggage, but at least i can identify the problems and aim to fix it, but the best way to fix every single one of your problems is to accept it and just move it out of the way.

That elephant in the room will turn into a puff of smoke once you face it dead on and learn that your the only one who can solve your deep seeded "problems" and just jump into your fears and look at why your scared of them to begin with. most of the time is a fear of pain and sadness. Just so you ALL know if you dwell too much on these issues they will eat you alive and that's worse than facing them, your practically killing yourself.

-fighting with yourself is more painful than fighting with others.


I had the same problem when I was in high school (graduated HOORAY~), but I didnt think like you did. I was bullied and ridiculed for being asian and skinny (i was very skinny weighing only 110 lbs.) I trained my body to the extent of exhaustion and fatigue because I always remembered, "Oh you chink." or "Look at Brendan he's so hotter than you." Now im a small build, but with great strength XD. I weigh 150 lbs. and bench 200 lbs (1 rep max.)
But enough talk about me...I wish I had the mental and spiritual capacity like you do ^^. Your words are very true and they inspired me. Keep on telling people this and whoever makes you fall stand back up :)

I loved this quote my grandfather told me:
"Even though the world gets hit with natural disasters, the Sun always rises for another day."

thnx again for your words they really do inspire me :D


New member
I feel like these are the type of stories that anti-bullying programs need to hear. Stories of people who have lived through bullying and come out on top. I have been working with this new organization called Beyond Bullies and they are starting a video campaign. It would be great if you could share your stories. If it is too personal for you, don't worry about it! You've already gotten through being bullied and that is a great accomplishment!