Looking for opinions...


New member
Hi everyone,

My name is Emma and I work as a researcher for an independent TV production company based in London. At the moment I am working on the development of a programme called ‘Never Left The Village’. We plan to follow the journey of some young adult as they make the move from rural Britain to the city. The idea is to document the ups and downs they encounter as they experience a life completely different to the one they have always known.

While researching this I came across some information about social phobia and the many young adults whose lives have been deeply affected by it.

Among the methods to manage social phobia, it seems that self-help, together with some therapist assistance was one of the most effective treatments?
I continued to read case studies about people who conquered their fears by improving their life circumstances with a huge societal change. They now live fuller, happier lives. However, without some serious support from others, this seems an unlikely option for young adults too scared to step outside their front door.

I really know very little about this condition and when I discovered that so many young people suffer from it, I was shocked. I have come across very little media coverage of Social Phobia, and I have never suffered from a phobia myself.
Could a complete societal change be the answer? Could displacement help young adults to overcome this anxiety? Undoubtedly, this would make a more interesting and layered program, highlighting an issue that is affecting the lives of so many young adults in the UK. Would I ever find people with Social anxiety comfortable enough to take on a challenge like this?

Obviously, when dealing with a subject like this, we would approach the production in a very considered and sensitive manner

I am interested to hear opinions from everybody…


Well-known member
Thank you for considering using this! Social Phobia never gets to TV shows or movies and hardly ever books (I've read one).

Well, personally, I think that someone moving from the country to the city would suddenly find out that he/she has social phobia when he/she had always been fine before. It would be interesting if one of your characters had it (especially, in my opinion, if it showed up like that), but I don't think that moving to a city would help.

But I'm no psychiatrist. I found out about this when researching with writing a novel about it in mind. It was only after I came to this site that I admitted how much I fit the descriptions.

Do some research and tell us how it works out!


Well-known member
Its not something you ever conquer or overcome
Its just a matter of trying to make deal with it and accept that its there

Also from helyna " Well, personally, I think that someone moving from the country to the city would suddenly find out that he/she has social phobia when he/she had always been fine before "

I dont think anyone would just suddenly realise they have sociol phobia because of a change in life situation
You either have it or you dont