Looking for help to Ignore "Internal Scars"


Active member
You guys should know what I mean when I say "Internal Scars". It can be bad memories of your past life, stupid things you've done, people offending you, trauma, humiliation, etc.

I keep remembering a time when I was on ecstasy and I wasn't in a place I really wanted to be. There was a lot of people (youngsters), and I am also a teenager and I made myself look incredibly stupid infront of them because I was jsut acting plain dumb, under the influence of this drug. I took too much and just let myself go wild, get my point ? I was saying stupid shit. I'll never do social-active drugs again. Having Social phobias and these kind of drugs just don't mix.

I was in this place at the very wrong time. I WAS SO MESSED, didn't exactly know what was going on, hard to explain. I'd kind of twitch or get hyper when I think about this moment, sometimes I would say out loud "WTF did I do that crap for !?!??!" and also with other stupid past memories. It's distrubing me pretty bad. How does oneself deal with this? Has anyone delt with the same experience.

After this experience I went through paranoia (That everyone knew I was so stupid) and some awkward anxiety. Lasted for about 2 weeks. But I still get the on-and off feelings about it.



Well-known member
there are thing from my past that i will never forget but try to let go of them as best i can. :)


Well-known member
i have trouble letting go to - it doesnt matter if it was the stupidest thing i did or said yrs ago, it would just pop in my head and make me feel like such a loser.
the only way to deal with it is to keep saying the past is the past.

I'd just like to point out that there is probably a link between Obcessive Compulsive Disorders and low serotonin levels. If you can't shake disturbing images, thoughts, and memories from your consciousness, it is possible that you have a serotonin deficiency. Definitely follow the advice of previous posters first. Try to shake the thoughts by restructuring your frame of mind.

If all else fails, you could perhaps research Zoloft. It could potentially ease your mind off things. It is fairly safe if taken for a few months. However, use this as a latter resort. Try rationalizing in your mind and coming to grips with yourself.

Good luck bro.


Well-known member
i swear things bug me all the time. CONSTANTLY in my mind it's something that i've said or done, i can't get it out of my head. i just kick myself so much. but lately it's been alright. it's all about accepting yourself for who you really are - not who you want to be and where you fall short