Lonely with no one to talk to.


New member
All I can think about is just how lonely I really am. I mean, I have a husband who would do anything for me, but yet I miss the company of friends. I miss hanging out socially with other people. I have one good friend. That's it. And, he isn't all that great either. I moved to a place where I didn't have any family or friends to be with my husband. I'm not that far from my family and friend, but it gets to be depressing as hell. I have people that I comment to and mention things to here and there on facebook, but when it comes to conversations, forget it. People don't go out of their ways to chat with me. And, I used to go out of my way to talk to them, but it never worked out because they "had to get off" within seconds of the conversation. I don't understand why my life is like this. When I was in high school, I had friends that I could always call up and talk to or go somewhere and do something with. I moved to Ohio after my senior year to be with my parents. I moved from Arkansas where the only family and friends I've ever known live to be with my father, who I hadn't seen in 10 years. I was so happy to have my father, I even left my stuff at the place where I was living in Arkansas at the time. They haven't offered to return it and I've asked repetedly. But, my reason for telling you about all that is because all of my pictures of my family, my prom, my diploma, EVERYTHING was left behind. And, that's left a giant hole in my heart. But, now that I am an adult and out on my own paying what bills I can with my social security, I do nothing but clean the house, cook, and sleep. The only time I get to have any kind of fun is when I'm driving. And, I can't even do that on my own. I have to have someone licsensed with me. I feel so lonely and abnormal. I don't go places that would have people my age because I can't afford to and I wouldn't know anyone. This morning, my husband went to gaming with several of his work friends to an RPG group. They go every tueseday. And, everytime he leaves, I cry. I just cry. Because it feels so unfair. I want him to go out and enjoy his friendships and his time away from me, but at the same time....I want him to stay home and cuddle on me. In my early childhood years, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. They say you get that disorder due to being abandoned or imagined being abandoned by someone important in your life. That would be my dad leaving after the divorce. But, it causes issues later in life. Right now, it is showing it's ugly face with my marriage. I can't go a day without thinking that he is just trying to find a way to leave me. And, when he goes gaming, I can't help but to think that he just isn't going to come back. I want to have friends that I can talk to about all of this, but, I don't. So I went online today and found this website to post to, hoping someone's story would be similar to mine. :(:::(:::(:::(:


Well-known member
Hi there Emerald frog, welcome to SPW :)

If you need someone to talk to I'm usually available to chat.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you're lonely...i'm real mad cos i typed out this long thing just now but i accidentally hit the backspace button and it all got erased. grrrr I don't even remember what i said. Now i'm too lazy to type so what i type probably wont be good now. o_O

Anyways i havent had any friends in over 8 years. Thats when i was still in H.S and even then i never had any friends outside of school. I never knew how to go about making plans with them to hangout or whatever. So since then all i have had is my mom and my brother to talk to. I guess its pretty lonely. All though over the years i had "friendships" online and i was pretty close with some..during that time i was never lonely. So that's my advice..In the past ive had success meeting people in chat rooms. Chat rooms are great for loneliness. Or maybe you could tag along with your husband sometime? I dont know if youre into gaming of any sort but lately to help withy loneliness i have been going to yahoo games to play pool...its actually pretty fun..they have other games too like a scrabble like game called "literatti" and card games..bingo..all sorts and the best part is they all take place in like a chat room setting with a lobby and all...and you can chat with people. ive actually met some people that i meet up with almost nightly and play pool with them and chat and all...its great. if you want to know the site just let me know


New member
Thank you guys. :) I think being on this site and just reading what others are going through and posting on the fun threads is helping. I keep checking back every few hours to see what others have posted and I am starting to feel better. And, I do go into chat rooms and play online games and stuff. It just never really interested me enough to keep me happy. Also, I'm not really into RPG games, and it's more of the "guys night out" type of thing. I would just be in the way. LOL. He and I do enjoy going to Columbus for the Origions comic convention :) I love all the costumes :)