living in the present. (great article)


Well-known member ---This is an excellent article about living in the present. I also read a book on the same subject by ekhardt tolle called --THE POWER OF NOW--- which did change my thinking and helped me with my depression and anxiety, but that book is very wordy and can make your mind drift into la-la land. This successCON. article is precise and to the point. Read it and you will understand how fearful thinking distorts our thoughts and holds us back in life.---- ----


Well-known member
Yes, it's a nice, succinct article which is easily digestible. Certainly something we can all take on baord and easily practice at any time.

It doesn't sound a million miles away from mindfulness meditation, which I've lately been reading about - becoming aware of the now, of your sensations, of your thoughts and just acknowledging them and letting them pass rather than getting bogged down in reliving bitter past experiences over and over, which I'm sure many of us do indeed cling to.

Many thanks for posting, Mr Beagle.