Little Tip


Well-known member
Here is a little tip...

When some situation happens where I feel anxious in what I do when I can is get into my car and find some song on the radio that is all positive with words about undying love. One of the best is "Always" by Bon Jovi -for one reason, because it seems to get played a lot.

Now for the important part: I turn up the music and sing the song with words of unconditional complete love right to My self.

...Pretty wanky right?!! :wink: :p :lol:
But, it makes me feel better right away.
And I figure whatever can help me break the cycle of worrying about how I appear to others is excellent.

I also wonder to my self whether "Social Phobia" is simply a stronger need for unconditional love and acceptance, which all people need, but that I have a stronger desire for.
And I think to my self of how i seem to always be searching in other people to give me this approval and love. And I think to my self: look where it has gotten me: needy and fearful for approval, and all the while missing out on the one thing I want.
So I figure: I'll look for love elsewhere. I'll give it to my self.
Screw "right" and "wrong" and standards for what is acceptable -and, whose standards are these? And how could I ever stand a chance of meeting any other person's requirements if I presume my self to always be inferior and incapable of doing so -which must be what I think if I am always looking towards others to accept me.

Anyhow, whatever the reasoning behind it, I find that accepting my self regardless of what happens and even in spite of what happens -is helping erase negative thoughts that I otherwise can't seem to help but collect.

And i don't think that it is so hopeless or pathetic to look towards others for love and approval: I think all people are the same; but that this emotional need is greater for me (and all SA sufferers even). ...maybe we will get past being dependent on others before most so-called "self-confident" people will. ...I wonder whether others are as independent and self-assured as they may see themselves! :wink:
And I like this that Jesus said:
"I thank you God, because you show to the ignorant what you keep hidden from the wise and the learned. That's how you wanted it to happen."

Who says that any of you are so far from achieving real and true confidence and independence? ...maybe you (and I) are closer to figuring out that barely a soul is truly independent and strong in themselves; and that we are not so strange of inferior at all but more certain in our uncertainty.


Well-known member
Yes music is great. Try to get your hands on the song Live To Win by Paul Stanley I bet you'd like it you can listen to it on youtube and I was listening to it as I read your post :lol:

I agree confidence comes from unconditional love for yourself. It also makes me think of how I believe that its easier to do something for someone we love then if we just did it for ourselves. Because we in fact love them...sometimes more then we love ourselves.