little things people do/acting dumb

I was just at the gas station getting some food. I was waiting for a guy to make my food and I was thinking of getting some chips but I couldn't decide and I was taking a long time. Then the person making my food started making these loud banging noises. I thought he might be trying to tell me to hurry up or something, though I can't think of why. I couldn't figure out how he could even see what I was doing from where I was standing. Then when my food was ready I walked over to pick it up and then after handing me my food he quickly walked away and made that banging noise again. Then on my way out some guy holding a box did that dance thing with me where two people can't decide which way to go around each other. but was he doing it on purpose? Recently I'm convinced that people are trying to send me subtle messages, or trying to mess with me by asking me outrageously stupid questions or doing outrageously stupid things. It's confusing because I never act like that to people and I can't think of why I would want to. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about or am I really just over analyzing everything?
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You want to know how I got these scars?
Oh man thats so funny when 2 people cant get past each other :lol:

I wouldn't think too deeply about what you have said. I mean, really, who cares if the guy working there was upset? He gets paid to deal with the public. It's a job.

I would be more concerned with you thinking the person who couldnt get past you (doing the dance thing) was doing it on purpose. there is a 99.99999% probability he was just as embarrassed as you with that little dance ;)


Well-known member
Nothing indicates that you're the target of some plot to create awkward situations, those are just everyday things. The banging noises were probably from something else the guy was doing.


Well-known member
I think that people with social anxiety tend to get paranoid about certain things that in reality have nothing to do with them. We tend to exaggerate things quite easily. It's like that guy from the other thread who wanted to kill himself because his fly had been down the whole day and "people probably saw it and made fun of him", when in reality no one probably noticed, and if they did, I seriously doubt they would make it a priority to make fun of the guy, since it's something so common.