Like the candy stuck in my teeth...


Active member
There's this guy at school, in my speech class. He's a senior, I'm a sophomore. In five years I have never trusted someone as much as I trust him. He's currently the only person in the whole world that I trust that much. But he's leaving in June. And I'll be alone... again. Everyone leaves me sooner or later. Nothing new, I guess. I've been trying to distance myself from him so that when we split it wont be so hard for me. But that leads to lonliness and lonliness pushes me farther towards him.
Life isn't beautiful. Simple observation.


What I used to do in school is seek out the people who seem to be like us (very shy). If there are some people in your school that seem nice but are shy, you'll probably find that if you approach them in a nice, welcoming manner, they'll be just as happy to find a new friend as you would be. It might seem hard at first, but just give it a try and see how it works out. I mean, what do you have to lose?

Hope I helped a little...



Active member
Eep! My post was rather... downhearted. I was having a bad day, I guess. And I'm usually so cheery.


Well-known member
Make more friends and you'll always at least have a handful that stick around. Some leave, some stay... it happens. Sorry to hear he's leaving.