Light therapy for seasonal affective disorder (SAD)


Hello everyone,

A light box is used for bipolar disorder that occurs in seasons. Light therapy involves exposure to full-spectrum bright light directly onto the eyes using a light source. we should sit in front of the light during morning times from thirty minutes to two hours if we have seasonal affective disorder.

The duration depends on the severity of the symptoms and strength of the light. For bipolar disorder, light therapy is sued for short periods to decrease the severity of depressive episode.

If we have any eye problems, we should consult eye specialist before using light therapy. The eye problems can include retinitis, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and pigmentosa. If we have bipolar disorder, use light box in the mid-afternoon.

Side effects with light therapy:

Side effects with light therapy include headaches, eye-strain and insomnia. All the side effects can be lessened by using a variation called as dawn simulation in which the light intensity is increased slowly as if the sun is rising.


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