Life is Wierd 0.o


Ok so let me give you some info about myself.

I don't know why I even ever got SA. I was never bullied or anything like that. I have always had friends. It just sorta hit me like a brick I don't know it was wierd.

I had it for I don't know like a year and a half. starting my freshman year in high school till around the biggining of my junior year.

One day I was up at about 5 or 6 AM on sunday morning laying there, listening to music. I was pondering life and what my problem was. At the time I didn't know SA existed. I just recently figured out that was what I had, although it seems it wasn't as bad as many of you have it.

As I was laying there I decided to say fuck it. I woke up later that sunday and felt as though something had changed. That oddly enough was the end of my SA. I went to school monday and truly didn't care what anybody said/thought. I don't know what happened during those early morning hours but I changed and I can't figure it out.


Well-known member
i didn't get it! are you saying you are no longer a social phobic :D unbelievable man. if it is true i am so glad for you.


Well-known member
Wow! :? well, that's good that it just went away like that... I don't know why I have SA either, my parents are extremely social, I never was bullied or anything.
Interesting success story :D