life could be like...


i am currently enrolled at a four-year public university. i want to get a job and make some money so that i don't have to depend on my parents, but i get so anxious when i even think about simply asking for an application that i can never follow through. also, there don't seem to be too many jobs for introverted people.

i'm an art major and its really hard for me to give a sh*t about doing my work because i get so anxious when i go to also doesn't help that i'm one of the few males studying art and i am totally shy and inhibited around girls.

if anyone has any ideas about any of this or feels the same way, please respond.


Active member
You're not the only one. I'm going to have to start looking for a job in a couple of weeks and just thinking about that makes me nervous already. I haven't had good experiences on other jobs and it just scares me that I'll never feel comfortable in any job.

I'm also looking to start college this year. I'm really excited about this, but then, the idea of being in a new place, on my own, surrounded by takes away the excitement. Plus being from a different country doesn't help, I just don't feel like I'll belong.


Jonesey said:
i am currently enrolled at a four-year public university. i want to get a job and make some money so that i don't have to depend on my parents, but i get so anxious when i even think about simply asking for an application that i can never follow through. also, there don't seem to be too many jobs for introverted people.

i'm an art major and its really hard for me to give a sh*t about doing my work because i get so anxious when i go to also doesn't help that i'm one of the few males studying art and i am totally shy and inhibited around girls.

if anyone has any ideas about any of this or feels the same way, please respond.

Its difficult. First theres the anxiety of wondering if youre kidding yourself trying to get into the coarse. You cant stand to be in a room amongst a bunch of strangers(or even ppl you know!) for a couple of hours much less how many years a degree will cost ? How could you possibly get through it ? And when you get there, will you even be able to focus, or will you be too busy trying to manage your anxiety and not make a fool of yourself to even pick up anything ? And what about those depressive bouts when you get home and realize youre crumbling under the pressure of the work, the work you couldnt pick up because you spent the whole lesson feeling out of place, shy, anxious and worthless compared to the rest of the people there who seem to have a purpose in what they're doing ? What about those inevitable presentations etc etc etc.. The list goes on.
Its frustrating how so many people are going through the same thing and theres nothing much you can do but relate because you can't even manage your own anxiety.

Atleast you've had the gutts to enrol. A school counselor basically just called me a failure yesterday, lol. Even the teachers dont have any hope in me and thats a big part of their job. But what else is there, how do we get out from under our parents wings and be independent without atleast an education, even the bloody mailman has a degree. Not that theres anything wrong with being a mailman! How else are we supposed to feel like we're worth something if we're too unconfident to make our own success outside of the traditional way of getting an education ?

Sorry, yabbering on about negative crap there.. not helping very much.

Can i ask what youre in an Arts major for ? Is there a specific career goal you're after ?



thanks for talking about negative crap, it actually does help to know that there's somebody else that feels the same way.

As to your question, I don't really know what I want to do with art, but it just seemed like an obvious choice for an introverted person and I definitely enjoy doing it when i'm not surrounded by a classroom full of people.