Letting out your personality


Well-known member
Does anyone ever find it tough to let their real personality to people you dont know?I live with my folks and i always act silly i front of my mum and joke around.But whenever i go into situations with other folks apart from my folks i find i cant really joke and act up with them.Probably cause i dont know the people well enough eh.Or maybe im afraid they would say your nuts or immature and would dissaprove of me. *Shrugs*

Just something that comes into my mind now and again and i thought i would share.


Well-known member
i'm silly too, but i dont really think its my real personality. just like you with my family i can act kind of silly but with others i'm closed and distant . I dont know, maybe its because i need to act like kid sence i didn't have much of childhood or something, or i just like acting silly sometimes lol :lol Its the SA i'm sure. believe it or not but some time i feel ok and comfortable i act more "normal"and" my age" and actually can have a strong personality. I think its chemical, to much adrenalin.


yea totally...when I'm around my mum, or my little sisters, or generally people I know really well and am really comfortable with, I'm pretty extroverted. I'm like a different person...cracking jokes and showing off etc. It's hard to know who the real me is sometimes. I think it's just acceptance or something...People I know really well, I know accept me for who I am, so I have less fear.


Well-known member
rko74 said:
Does anyone ever find it tough to let their real personality to people you dont know?I live with my folks and i always act silly i front of my mum and joke around.But whenever i go into situations with other folks apart from my folks i find i cant really joke and act up with them.Probably cause i dont know the people well enough eh.Or maybe im afraid they would say your nuts or immature and would dissaprove of me. *Shrugs* .

Yes!! With my parents and siblings I act really silly sometimes, yet with most other people I'm pretty inhibited.

Not really sure if I would want my real personality to come out with others though, it is pretty immature!


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
lol i love that charlie brown quote!

i think everyones different around different people? we wear many different hats during a day...thats what i was always taught..different people bring out different qualities in me..some dont bring out any at all ;)

You seem very wise, worrydoll. I'm going to call you Yoda from now on.


Active member
worrydoll said:
i think everyones different around different people? we wear many different hats during a day...thats what i was always taught..different people bring out different qualities in me..some dont bring out any at all ;)

I'm very different when I'm with different people. I feel like I subconciously create a character to suit each person I talk to, to make them like me. This becomes a big problem when I have to talk to 2 of my friends together though because i don't know which me to be, so I just go all quiet.

I get annoyed with myself though because I don't know which one is the real me.....If I was more confident I could just be myself and if people didn't like me that would be their problem.


Well-known member
justsomebloke25 said:
I'm very different when I'm with different people. I feel like I subconciously create a character to suit each person I talk to, to make them like me. This becomes a big problem when I have to talk to 2 of my friends together though because i don't know which me to be, so I just go all quiet.

I have the same problem with my family vs other people. I hate it when my family are around when I'm talking to a friend or colleague because I act differently.


Well-known member
worrydoll said:

thanky :D

Welcome, you are!


Well-known member
i used to keep it bottled up. and be someone i'm not. but in actuality. it's only gonna bite you in the ass. If your someone you're not. Eventually your friends are gonna find out your true self. And then the'll be mad that you've been lieing to them all this time.

so the moral of the story. just be yourself.


Well-known member
I am always on guard to some degree - and this is with everyone. Because of this i have found myself thinking quite often 'just who the hell am i anyway'.


Well-known member
I'm only really relaxed around my boyfriend. I'm usually upbeat and a bit giddy & like to have fun when we're together. With everyone ele I freeze up. I've seen myself on video at weddings etc. I look like a mannekin. Really, really uptight...& nothing like I am at home.


Well-known member
Man what a great topic. I can totally relate to this. I am completely different around my family and I used to be that why around my girl friend before she left :( BUt yeah. It's so hard to remember to be my self and just be spontaneuos around other people
I've seen myself on video at weddings etc. I look like a mannekin.
Thats me in a nut shell around most people. ughh I hate SA!!


Well-known member
I'm always on my guard about my real persona, even around my parents. The only time I can release it is when I'm truely alone without anybody to watch. :?