Lets get in the habbit of praising ourselves all of the time


Well-known member
It does appear to me that as a whole, SA sufferers think so negatively of themselves, put themself down, concentrate purely on their perceived negatives, flaws, insecurities, etc and just have a really low opinion of themselves.

There does seem something wrong here - we think negatively simply because we have developed negative thinking on that aspect of ourselves because of past experience, past feedback, past negative thoughts. These are exaggerated, biased and unfair because we have excluded any positives in this. But also just because we think negative on our perceived flaws what is to say others notice these flaws and place such importance on our flaws? I mean I see today probably 1000 people from people at work, people in the streets, people on the tv, people in shops, etc, etc - how come I have not noticed anyone's flaws or judged anyone negatively? Surely all of these 1000 people I see all think they are so amazing and are so secure with every part of themselves? Yet I haven't noticed these flaws. What is a flaw to others means nothing to me. What is a flaw to me is surely nothing to most people as well.

Therefore we are thinking negative about ourselves when no one else is. We are therefore creating our own downfall, we don't need to put ourselves down and think so bad of ourselves. Since we have no control over how people think of us or what people think of us, we may as well think positively and believe in ourselves, we will feel so much better, achieve so much more, etc.

So why not from now, every few minutes always think of positives in ourselves. Keep telling ourselves we are a brilliant unique person and think of all of our qualities, past successed, achievements, times when people have really liked us, etc, etc. Whatever we are doing and where ever we are, just think about positives in every aspect of yourself. Think positives about your appearance, how smart you look, the things you like about how you look. What you like in your personality, what you like in your intelligence, just flood yourself with positives.

Because I am in an office full of 30 people. I could say something bad about every person in here if I was horrible and mean, and this applies to everyone - anyone can be mean about me, I have flaws, but anyone can be mean about anyone else.

There is no need to think negatively of ourselves again. Getting into a positive way of thinking as a habbit about ourselves will just work wonders for our self esteem, self worth, self belief, believing we are good enough. Because I am sure a lot of you put yourselves down and think very negatively about yourselves, but I must be honest and say everyone who has written posts here seems such a nice person, interesting, good writers - seem intelligent, etc. There is loads of positives in us and we need to start realising how good we really are and base our self image on this.


Well-known member
I totally agree. We see ourselves in a negative way but, so far, all the people here seem very interesting and they sound very genuine. And that is so much more interesting than the usual socially programmed people. So, you are all fucking great and if I would have to choose, I would choose you without blinking.

So, God bless you all for your existence.


Well-known member
this is the truest thing!

SA sufferers want the best for others, but don't feel as if theyre getting a positive result in return. The thing is that we must treat others as we would want to be treated....Jesus said it, I think Ghandi's said it....basically it is a very good standard to live by. Yet, if we AREN'T treating ourselves well, what good does this do? I think that "golden rule" assumes you treat yourself well in return. So that is something to remember.
Because honestly if youre miserable but feel like people always expect you to do nice things for others, you are doing them more of a disservice than being happy and pleasant to be around and occaisionally helping some one when you know you have time, etc.....hope this makes sense!!!


Well-known member
Thanks Frustrated. Its nice to know there are people who like reading my posts.

I guess right now I am really looking at theory and different ways to overcoming SA, rather than actually committing to one theory and working hard at carrying out the work. I just want to find the best strategy to beat SA in the shortest time possible. I believe SA can be overcome for sure, but the reason its so difficult is because we have to change the way we think and see things and it is hard to get out of the negative thinking patterns we have gotten into.

I think making changes with different parts of thinking is important, i.e. to think positive about ourselves, to work on changing our current negative self image (thats if you have a negative self image) to a positive one, to try and understand what people really think. I mean here is an interesting point - in every situation we are anxious in, we believe people will judge us negatively. That means we believe we are so significant that people will actually change what they were thinking to start judging us. In reality I think its very wrong. The only people I notice in a negative way are rude people or people who are really gross. I really do think we need to understand that our beliefs about people judging us is so wrong. I think we also seem to believe everyone else is perfect and that they don't think anything negative about themselves - people are not perfect, people know they are not perfect and for that reason are not critical of others as they know we all have flaws. I just think so much of our thinking is wrong, irrational, exaggerated, biased, etc - and things do need to be put right.

I currently am spending time on looking at the answer of overcoming SA in terms of switching off self awareness, no longer always monitoring our own performance and focusing only on our perceived negatives in ourself and worrying about reaction to these own negatives. Surely it can be possible to find a way to switch all attention on to the other person/people instead of ourselves. i.e. don't give a toss about how we are doing, we will just flow and be ourselves, we will not be self conscious about ourselves, all of our attention is focused on the other person - making them the only thing that matters - we will be focused purely on their performance.
I think we need to realise that none of these negative beliefs on ourself matters, that what people think of us does not matter because we are unique individuals and we can't please everyone. But we have to allow ourselves to be ourselves. That is who we are, if someone doesn't like us for how we are then what do they matter? They don't like us, just accept it.

Anyway, I have gone off on a tangent.

Thanks again for your comments.


Well-known member
worrydoll said:
yep. when you like yourself it doesnt matter so much what others think. your life is your canvas, you are the artist. it doesnt matter if people understand or like your art. just let it be. our work always looks immature when we look back at it...we just keep improving it..change directions...have phases..just believe in who you are...then if others dont understand, like, appreciate or accept what youre offering...fuck 'em.

Nice one worrydoll ! Whenever I'm having a shit day all I have to do is read one of your posts to cheer me up.Nothing like a paragraph of wise words and thoughtfulness finished off with a straight to the point expletive.You are priceless :D