Leaving SPW


Well-known member
I think its time for me to say my goodbye's to everyone on here.. :( As many of you know, I am pregnant and that is going to change my entire life but I am happy about that but sad that I won't be able to be on here so much anymore. A lot of you have become friends that I will miss talking to. I am so grafeful to God to have had this time on here to get to know other's who have SP also and to feel like I am not so alone w/this SP. It's good to talk to people who share in your common struggles.
What I want to tell all of you is to please try to get along w/ea. other on here. Yes, we all have difference's but maybe try to focus instead not on the differences but on what unites us..and that is our SP/SA. Try to support and help ea. other out. You can fight w/anyone about anything..but on here try to encourage and help ea. other instead. Many of you have done that for me and I hope you continue to do so for others.
And take it one day at a time..one scary situation at a time. It helps me to know that I am not alone. I will MISS YOU ALL!!! :cry: You may see me on here from time to time but eventually you won't see me at all. For those of you who are friends I hope you still email me. I hope we don't lose touch. But if we do, please take care of yourself's and try your best to be happy. My prayer's are with all of you. Goodbye guys! :wink: BIG HUG ((((((((((((((((((((((((EVERYONE))))))))))))))))))))))))) :)


Well-known member

I don't know what to say except that I feel sad... :cry:
At the same time I do understand that your life has changed considerably and that you must move on! So at the same time I also feel joy and happiness to know that you will be happy! :D

But I will miss our conversations and your participation on this forum... It won't be the same without you!
Well thanks for now....hope to talk to you from time to time!!

I'll miss you!!! :cry: GOOD BYE (for now) AND GOD BLESS!
Thankyou for being such an angel!!!

GIGANTIC HUG!!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((MARY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Well-known member
I'm sorry to see you leaving Mary.I enjoyed talking to you even when we did have our disagreement. :wink:

You have a very kind soul Mary and many people will miss you but good luck with your new family.You will make a such a good mother.

Be safe :D :D :D


Well-known member
:cry: Thank you all for your comments..I know a new chapter in my life is starting and it's time to move on. There are many reasons why I have to go but mainly it is about my baby. I have to focus on the things I need to do now to #1 get ready for the baby's arrival. and #2. after he/she arrives my life will be very very busy! :)
But like I said earlier I hope that we will stay in touch as much as we can, I am pretty good at that, I only have 2 friends in my life but we have remained friends for over 16 years! 8O Despite me moving and other changes..so I am pretty good at keeping in touch, don't worry about that Elaine! :wink:
Oh and Clavain..yes it was the cowboy hat comment that pushed me over the edge.. :lol: :wink:
It was so nice and such a blessing knowing all of you on this site..and I will MISS YOU! :cry:
Who know's I may still get small chances to be on here now and again? :wink:


Well-known member
:cry: I'm so upset. Mary was very important for me here,she learned me to have courage at posting christian subjects and she generally supported me a lot. She was kind with everyone,a great personality. Anyway,our communication won't be over. :wink: