Leadership Phobia


New member
I have been shy my whole life but in several types of situation.

#1 I don't like to initiate conversation
#2 I don't like to invite people places plan activities....
#3 don't like to join groups of friends or have any of my friends meet my parents
#4 Always go places and do things alone I hate inviting people to come with me.
Sometimes I walk away from a conversation without being done talking.

Despite all this I am good at butting into conversations, cussing using profanity. Like telling jokes, like figuring things out.I usually talk when someone else is directing the conversation and has spoken first.
Anyone else have this problem where they are always the follower or the peanut gallery.


Well-known member
I struggle with 1, 2 and 4 particularly

many chicks like to go shopping with friends and stuff but ive never been able to do that. if i do, i can never be myself /make any decisions to buy because i worry that my decisions will be judged... so yea, always prefer to be alone.

on a similar note, i always hated group projects in school... Was never ablet o contribute despite feeling i could have made a valuable contribution

n yea hate planning shit. i guess i worry that people wont show up/noone will like my idea etc..

ugh, hate being this way