Last hope


New member
Hi everyone, hope all is doing well. I'm new here. I'm not sure if I've made a post or 2 in the past. Just wanted to share what my my current situation is.

Ok, I had an appointment yesterday at the hospital for a mental evaluation. It was on the 5th floor. Unfortunately, I chickened out and didn't go and they are booked for the next several months. I haven't gone anywhere since last summer and my anxiety has gotten a lot worse. My last hope now is to go to the Emergency Room and hope that at the very least, I can be lead in the right direction.

Now heres where my nerves start to go up. I've been stupid and a few days ago I stumbled across some articles about sudden death if your heart is under too much stress. Another article had the title something like "Girl dies drom elevator after being stuck for 2 hours." Now I didn't bother reading too much of the article so maybe there was something in there that could have said something a little different but I didn't want to take the chance since I was already very scared. I'm not a doctor but I'm sure I've heard a million times that now one has ever died from a panic attack. I could be wrong but I don't know And the final one was on Wikipedia. I looked up Emergency Room for people with mental illneses. I stumbled across the anxiety section and it said something like "doctors try there best to calm down a person with anxiety because theres a high risk of premature death. Now I don't know if this is true or not, but it was frightning to read.

What scares me the most is going to the hospital, having a ful. blown panic attack, and possibly dropping dead. Another one would be having a full blown panic attack and me just not ever becoming relaxed because of my weird, crazy thoughts, and they end up putting me in a straightjacket or something. Those are my biggest fears, having a full blown panic attack at the hospital and never coming back home.

I plan on going to the ER very soon because of how bad my panic attacks have become. I just hope that as rough as the trip may be, it can at least jump start me so to speak and help me try and get my life back together.

I'd really appreciate everybodys input and I want to thank you all for reading this. It just gets so lonely being home all the time with nothing to do.


there still seems to be a stigma about mental illneses. i mean if you go to hospital with a broken arm they can fix that, but if you go for mental reasons, it seems they dont really understand and therefore find it difficult of what to do.

ive been to A&E in the uk loads of times when ive felt depressed, but they always just send me home again and tell me to go and make an appointment to see my GP (uk doctor), and then as you mention it takes fkn ages to get an appointment, by which time my mood has probably changed a 1000 times during the wait.

from what you have said, i can totaly relate to most of it. it seems you have a lot of anxiety as i do.
when i have a panic attack i feel like im dying too

i would suggest reading and saving this link from this site

i hope everything works out well for you :)


Well-known member
I used to have a friend who had really bad panic attacks and the doctor prescribed her with tranquilizer meds for occasions where they were really bad. I find I'm less anxious if I avoid alcohol and caffeine. Not sure if this helps much. I hope you feel better soon. :)
As far as I have always been aware , when having a panick attack , your anxiety levels can only reach a certain point , then they will come back down again .

I understand that it doesn't feel like that though .

Those who you read about may have had an underlying problem ,which is often the case , and 9 times out of ten when you hear the full story its never as shocking as it first appears.