Lack of cordination


Well-known member

Is someone here real clumsy , when i was young i couldnt learn any single dancing steps , i remember i got angry and cried when i was age 7 (Noone forced me to do this dance ! Stupid perfectionism)

I also dont know how to play basket, i focus on the steps and i m numb and clumsy , when my eyesight weakened i got another problem - my sense of depth of the space is kinda weird more (might be i m trippin though).


Well-known member
Same here, I've got two left feet, lol. I've been quite clumsy since I was a young child. I was a slightly plump kid, so maybe I was clumsy because of my weight. But then again, I've seen some agile kids for my size so maybe its just me 8O

I once tried, some years back, to join an aerobics class. I paid for the entire course of 10 or 12 lessons and it costed me a hundred over bucks, but I never attended the course once (other than the one free trial lesson I was allowed when I signed up for the course) because I was too clumsy( as I found out during the trial lesson) and couldn't follow up with the steps as quickly or as gracefully as the other students did. I know you must be thinking at this point why I had signed up for the course if I knew I was so clumsy during the trial lesson. I guess I was just bearing the hope that I would be able to pick up moves in the following lesons, but I never worked up enough courage to go back again because I was just so uncoordinated.


Well-known member
I consider myself pretty coordinated, but I can't dance like walzes or fox trot or other partner dances. I just feel too stiff and tense and can't allow myself to be "led" by a partner. Just regular free dancing, doing your own thing, is fun. I love to dance, but I never go out anymore to clubs or discos where I can do it. I just dance by myself at home :cry: I wish there were such a thing as a Social Phobic Disco - I would definitely go there. That would be fun!