Kinda funny..


Well hi there everyone, I'm sitting here in the middle of the night reading everything there is about HH..I couldnt get sleep tonight, and i kept stairing at my sweaty palms and kept cooling off my feet as i usually do every night, just so my blanket wouldnt become wet and cold, when i realized there might be something on the web about this.
Seems i have had palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis for a very long time and i never even gave it a real thought, when i play computer games i often ruin my shirt, as the sweat also pours down the side of my body, so i seem to have a bit of ax..whatever it was armpit HH ;p
Of course i have noticed i sweat a lot, all those times in school where i cant even touch the surface of my desk w/o my hands leaving a big mark or even a little puddle of sweat behind.
Shaking hands with others isnt at all a pleasant experiance.
Every paper i grab sticks to me, or i ruin it.
Not to talk about the insanely cold feet and hands i get when sitting in a cold/normal/hot temperated room, it doesnt matter.
But right now im kinda smiling and kinda crying, mostly out of happiness because what i have seems to be a condition, and other people have it too :D i meant no harm with that phrase to others, im just happy ^^
Now i finally know why i leave sweaty stains everywhere.

What is funny is i am 21 years of age, im male and i have been avoiding things all my life, but not to some extreme degree that some people seem to, and i didnt even realize i had HH.
I have had a girlfriend a few years ago, we dated for 3 years, heck we even lived together, HH didnt stop me, because i just didnt let it (aaand i didnt know about it) :p
I did speak about having pretty sweaty hands to her, and she told me she had that when she was a teenager too, so i didnt worry much. She didnt seem to care about me having wet hands. And she didnt care about the wet sheets, well i did always try to avoid her from laying in my spot in the bed after..well you know. She did however resent my freezing feet under the blanket in the evening/night, i cant blame her, sweaty and ice-cold as they are :p

As i said, im sitting in my room right now, im living close to the north pole so its not very warm here, well it is right now for the season actually, its been the whole winter, almost no snow at all and we havent even had any ice on the sea yet o_O, seems global warming is upon us after all. :p
Well to the point, im sitting here with my window open, writing this as my palms and feet sweat all over the place, nothing new, just what im used to and what i prolly will be doing all my life.
I just ordered..what was it..Odaban, seemed like a fair deal and no too expensive, to try to ease my HH, i really cant see myself sitting with my hands and feet in water hours and hours every week ;)

Well this post turned out to be longer than i expected, i dont know what i want from this one either..seems nice to talk to some people experiencing the same thing, and i'll promise to keep you updated on that Odaban thing, i mainly want to keep my hands sorta dry, would be a pleasant experiance..i can live with having sweaty feet i think, they dont smell very bad, its just all the socks i wear in shoes get really wet, i did notice this particularly in the army, where some of my roommates had dry socks after walking in boots a few hours, and mine didnt have one single spot of dryness on them :lol:

As a conclusion, ( thanks for reading this far i guess, or if you just skipped here, thanks for even clicking on my topic, im happy even for small amounts of someone caring :p ) happy i found i got something not everyone else has, 1% of the! Im not normal and boringly average! Im gonna use this as an icebreaker at parties for sure! :D
Seems i was unaware for a far too long time...

EDIT: I edited some typos, sorry for all the other ones.. :?


Well-known member
thanks for the post. it was interesting.
u should also check out iontophoresis for treatment.


Well-known member
With all the talk of idrostar and iontophoresis in general, I think this forum is slowly convincing me to start my treatments again. lol

I couldn't deal with the Ionto route. I had too much irritation and it actually overdryed me at times.


Well-known member
woofytalk said:
With all the talk of idrostar and iontophoresis in general, I think this forum is slowly convincing me to start my treatments again. lol

I couldn't deal with the Ionto route. I had too much irritation and it actually overdryed me at times.

I´ve never been irritated by iontophoresis, I think that´s mainly a problem with those devices that have a very low water level. I occasionally have dry hands, but it´s not really a problem. A bit of lanolin hand cream takes care of that. Talk about luxury problems...