karma, magical thinking, power of thoughts


New member

this is my first post on this forum so first of all I want to say hello to everyone and thanks for having me here.

My question is regarding the power of thoughts (magical thinking), karma, the power of words, etc...
There is a lot of self help teachings that say what you think will materialize, that thoughts and words have power, etc, etc. So as an OCDer I've started to obsess about that.

I always think about negative things happening to my friends, family, and myself. I'm having thoughts about death, accidents, catastrophes, etc. and then I obsess thinking that because I thought it, it will happen. Now I'm starting to realize that it probably isn't true, but I can't let go because i say to myself that because you've thought so much about it, i've started this process in the universe that will eventually kill someone in my family (sooo much negativity death eventualy, and despite me knowing better now it has already started). I feel like i need to reverse the process somehow, change those negative thoughts into positives, etc.

Also, what do you think of Karma? I can't even think a negative thought or say something slightly not nice, because i feel like Karma is going to come and bite me in the ass.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


New member
yeah, same thing...i'm okay realizing that it's not in my power, that i'm not all powerful, and that it doesn't work like that...its just i need some reassurance that i haven't started this whole process where those thoughts will materialize, simply because i've thought those negative thoughts too much...but deep down inside i still think its all b/s and there is no process =)


I wouldn´t worry about "thinking negative". Is it a crime and can someone tell me why? In my opinion (that´s what I feel), much worse is telling lies and being dishonest just in order to be liked by people, cheating, pretending, stealing and things like that. I don´t know why, if I am afraid of karma or whatever, I just have strong inner policy on not to do any of this. I have some standards and am not going to lower them just in order to obtain easier what I want. I would have problems to let my lips pass something which isn´t true, it would make me feel like weak worthless ass. I will never go low like this, even if I should end up dirty in rags starving homeless on the street. Everybody would laugh at me, what a failure, but I still have my dignity. Saying this, I know I am still far from perfect and am not dismissing "social skills" or art how to act in society and art how not to tell rubbish and not to ask stupid questions... bleh. In this sense I am imperfect.
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