just venting...wanna join in ?


my days are getting more boring with each minute...just stupid routine of watching tv and not much else of anything...life sucks.

now im starting to think i have bipolar and not just severe depression because i keep getting these bursts of "positivity" that maybe i can do the basic and the simplest of stuff, like laundry or go to the store...which i keep puting off. but they don't last long, mostly depression is what lasts...which is making me feel really inadequate and i can't seem to find any kind of simplest joy in life or in the world....are my days of doom upon me, are things coming to an end for me...? i can only wonder...

anyone else feeling down, depressed or just pissed off at everything that we with special needs have to put up with...after all, social problems and disorders are disabiling but "normal" people don't understand that bullshit...including those stupid psychiatrist and psychologist that we go to and they pretend they know all and no one can tell them different....all i can say is, get inside my head and then preach to my dysfunctional ass, i'm totally defective...at least in this lifetime and this crazy ass world....i know i'm not the only one....