Just thinking.



I was just thinking- can a person with ocd be happy or just calm with acceptance more than few moments in a week?

And if yes, then, how to manage?

I sometimes feel really good, high, etc. And then, moments later, i'm back in my abyss. Looking for things to worry, so I would stop worrying.

It's just stupid.


Well-known member
I went through the exact same thing when I had a bad spike of my OCD thoughts. I'd feel strong for a little while, like a minute, then I'd remember a thought and be way back down in the dumps about. I also had to keep thinking of more things to think and worry about. I think what I did was just remembered how I felt when I did feel really good. I kept telling myself I CAN feel that again and I WILL feel that again. The more I worked on feeling 'strong' the easier it came. Now I feel happy and strong more times than not. Occasionally there are things that trigger my OCD and I get down again, but for much shorter times and much less frequently.