Just some of the things SA sufferers hate doing...


Well-known member
I would like to draw the picture of the SA monster even more today. We have had the behemoth, the wall, the magic and a machine. Now we have a Boa constrictor. Not quite as big as some of the objects and aspects mentioned above, but my presence feels like it is being restricted by the scales of one of these reptiles.

There are very few things a socially anxious person can do without feeling some sort of tension. I have compiled a shortened list tonight, yes this is a much longer list, but I could be here for months otherwise. Not that it would matter to anybody anyway =(...

*Saying Hello
*Saying Goodbye
*Saying Please and Thankyou

These three are real killers. Not even giving the time of day to say hello to someone you know is painful. All the same, what if something goes wrong. What if they don't answer? I will look like I am talking to myself, which looks ridiculous. What if they simply reply with hostility?

*I avoid people I know, but not that well (For example- Old Classmates, just about anyone I have only seen/talked to a few times).

Because we simply don't know enough about these people to be certain that we will come out of a social confrontation all right. Enigma is considered volatile. This is why the supermarket can bring out the horrors at times. There is a high chance of meeting someone you half-know, and the potential for them to jot down a negative thought about you in their mind.

*Reluctant to reveal any emotion at all.

Emotional expression is a process of great agony for all SA sufferers. Like many other aspects of life, this too is a vicious cycle. You are affraid
to reveal any personal attributes, so you keep quiet if something angers you inside. Likewise, sometimes, the people will expect you to show some emotion, so therefore you reluctantly and half-heartedly show emotion. The people will think that you are just acting and aren't really caring about their problems because it looks so bad. Sometimes something may happen to you that isn't pleasing, you are expected to show some sign of sadness or anguish. But the same thing happens and you look like a tool.

*I hate people staring at me

This is one of the worst things. Classmates or work colleagues staring at you. All the pressure is on you, if you don't perform, they will think of you as an idiot, that message will spread throughout the place, and everyone will think likewise. You begin to feel slightly queasy, your muscles stiffen up and you conscience switches from the task at hand to the scanning for motives of the bystander. More often than not, you make a mistake too. It is ironic, we try and hide our symptoms, but we use so much energy doing so, or we are thinking about it so much (in the case of physical symptoms) that we commit the errors or show the symptoms anyway. Yet another example of the vicious circle

*I can't stand people giggling around me.

Groups of teenage girls, just people having a good time. They should be able to enjoy their time. But despite this, people who do this I feel like going up and punching or even worse, shooting, just to end the laughter. I cannot stand laughter which I don't know the origins of. I always assume they are the assassin, quietly attacking my personality and passing the negativism around the world. It seems even worse if it is a quiet giggle, they want to keep whatever is funny even more secret. Ill say it again, people should have the right to enjoy themselves, but if there is a laugh, and I don't know what it is a bout, it isn't funny and it is deemed hostile. Yes, you, I see you ROFLing in front of the computer, reading this =(

Its horrible, and thats only the start of the problems. Anyone with me?


Active member
I agree with you. My differences would be that I figured out most of the reasons why I feel/behave such ways.

Seems like the ones you jotted down are about the fear of people being negative towards you.

I feel such ways and I also expect them... but my reactions/behaviors are aggressive/assertive rather than timid. Though I refuse to accept crap from others... this also puts me on high defensive levels quite often and make me intense inside... I don't like it. I just end up being a bitter person with bitter mannerisms and words. I rather give benefit of doubts and be a chillaxed person...


Well-known member
Zarrix said:
*Reluctant to reveal any emotion at all.

Emotional expression is a process of great agony for all SA sufferers. Like many other aspects of life, this too is a vicious cycle. You are affraid
to reveal any personal attributes, so you keep quiet if something angers you inside. Likewise, sometimes, the people will expect you to show some emotion, so therefore you reluctantly and half-heartedly show emotion. The people will think that you are just acting and aren't really caring about their problems because it looks so bad. Sometimes something may happen to you that isn't pleasing, you are expected to show some sign of sadness or anguish. But the same thing happens and you look like a tool.

I'm with you bro. The quote from your message is the essence of my personal SP.

It seems I'm fine at expressing negative feeling but find almost impossible to show love, care, compasion, affection, and all that cause this unexplicable shame I feel inside...and that was since I was born. :x


Well-known member
ghostpicnic said:
I agree with you. My differences would be that I figured out most of the reasons why I feel/behave such ways.

Seems like the ones you jotted down are about the fear of people being negative towards you.

I feel such ways and I also expect them... but my reactions/behaviors are aggressive/assertive rather than timid. Though I refuse to accept crap from others... this also puts me on high defensive levels quite often and make me intense inside... I don't like it. I just end up being a bitter person with bitter mannerisms and words. I rather give benefit of doubts and be a chillaxed person...

Sometimes I feel I am overly agressive if I feel that the person just won't listen to me because they simply don't respect me. Like I know I rarely have angry bursts, but some people used to call me 'angry', but it was only because the defense mechanisms were drained to the limit.


Active member
I don't think you're alone there when you feel aggression towards people who do not respect you... I think even people without social anxiety feels the same, in varying levels.

What I do with people who disrespect me... is think like "Wow what a moron"... and feel content with thinking of such person as a moron. I used to be incredibly angry with those people... but now I find it is better to just regard them poorly... as such people who feel the need to disrespect someone are indeed... I do not give them the satisfaction of knowing that they have control over me by behaving in a defeated manner... nor let them extend their influence towards me by giving them another thought... but I will not hide my discontent, just to show that I'm aware of their behavior. In comes my smarmy insufferable attitude...

It's only when where I have no choice but to confront such people... is where I actually take action. It gets ugly... people who disrespect others with no good reason usually try really hard to hide their ugliness.


Well-known member
Zarrix said:
*I avoid people I know, but not that well (For example- Old Classmates, just about anyone I have only seen/talked to a few times).

Because we simply don't know enough about these people to be certain that we will come out of a social confrontation all right. Enigma is considered volatile. This is why the supermarket can bring out the horrors at times. There is a high chance of meeting someone you half-know, and the potential for them to jot down a negative thought about you in their mind.

This is a 100% accurate description of how I feel as well.


New member
:x Giggling?!!! Giggling is the worst! But OMG your description is to-tally accurate! Its like my every day life written in 6 paragraphs! I swear I thought I was abnormal!

I don't mind socialising but starting a conversation is the hardest thing one could encounter- especially when the person is not interested!
So like, we are normal right ??? My parents think I'm being difficult??


Well-known member
i hate it when people watch me punch someone. i think it's a punching anxiety. all of my friends and i box after work (yeah, call it a fight club for all i care) in my basement, but lately i haven't been performing the best because of this new anxiety. so i've been taking blows to the face because of it. it sucks


Well-known member
Infected_Malignity said:
i hate it when people watch me punch someone. i think it's a punching anxiety. all of my friends and i box after work (yeah, call it a fight club for all i care) in my basement, but lately i haven't been performing the best because of this new anxiety. so i've been taking blows to the face because of it. it sucks

I could never punch with any strength, never, especially around other people at school. I think it is partially physical handicaps, but now mostly mental after reading this. This weakness makes you look even more so.


Well-known member
Zarrix said:
ghostpicnic said:
I agree with you. My differences would be that I figured out most of the reasons why I feel/behave such ways.

Seems like the ones you jotted down are about the fear of people being negative towards you.

I feel such ways and I also expect them... but my reactions/behaviors are aggressive/assertive rather than timid. Though I refuse to accept crap from others... this also puts me on high defensive levels quite often and make me intense inside... I don't like it. I just end up being a bitter person with bitter mannerisms and words. I rather give benefit of doubts and be a chillaxed person...

Sometimes I feel I am overly agressive if I feel that the person just won't listen to me because they simply don't respect me. Like I know I rarely have angry bursts, but some people used to call me 'angry', but it was only because the defense mechanisms were drained to the limit.

Is that the response to fear, fight or flight ? the case whrn you choose to fght, hence agression ? :?


Well-known member
social_phobia2008 said:
Zarrix said:
ghostpicnic said:
I agree with you. My differences would be that I figured out most of the reasons why I feel/behave such ways.

Seems like the ones you jotted down are about the fear of people being negative towards you.

I feel such ways and I also expect them... but my reactions/behaviors are aggressive/assertive rather than timid. Though I refuse to accept crap from others... this also puts me on high defensive levels quite often and make me intense inside... I don't like it. I just end up being a bitter person with bitter mannerisms and words. I rather give benefit of doubts and be a chillaxed person...

Sometimes I feel I am overly agressive if I feel that the person just won't listen to me because they simply don't respect me. Like I know I rarely have angry bursts, but some people used to call me 'angry', but it was only because the defense mechanisms were drained to the limit.

Is that the response to fear, fight or flight ? the case whrn you choose to fght, hence agression ? :?

Often I am in two minds as to what to do, and it all seems a little half baked most of the time.