Just my opinion on medication...and of course marijuana...


Fuck all these medicines that doctors say to "give this a try"... If I wanted to "try" something to make myself feel betterake a quiet walk through someplace full of natural beauty, and just take whacky pictures of anything that catches my eye... I'd go a nice beach and just relax with my dog for an afternoon. I'd go spend some money on myself at the store. I'd even enjoy a bowl of some kind bud to mellow out on a boring afternoon.

As far as medications go though...I've been through about them all and the only thing I've gotten out of almost 3 years of "finding out what works for me" was an addiction that I never had before (clonazepam)...

I'll "try" what I know works for me and I'm tired of the government pricks that are keeping some of those things off the market. Hopefully we'll get so far in debt from this damn war that they'll swallow their fucking pride and decriminalize pot just to make some fucking money, those greedy bastard.



Well-known member
Hi Silent Type, I have been unsuccessful with prescriptions as well and I was very interested in your post. I have some questions for you:
-Have you found marijuana to be helpful with your anxiety?
-If so, did you feel better right in the moment you were using or did it last longer?
-What specific benefits did you feel from using it?

Thanks for any info!


Well-known member
fucking A man...im going down this path right now...i've tried so much shit and found one pill that works, but it has shitty side effects that bother me as bad as anything else...the only thing that works is ganja for me...no side effects, doesnt effect me in any negative way...but i get shit from my gf and ppl because i do it so often...i wish they could see my side...christ almighty it sucks


-Have you found marijuana to be helpful with your anxiety? -

Yes. I have found marijuana to work well when it comes to reducing anxiety. A big part of medical cannabis for anxiety comes down to the strain of marijuana you're smoking. You should always try to know what strain you're buying, just so you don't end up with a very heady variety that could even cause anxiety attacks. Any decent dispensary knows what strains it has. J

I just know that marijuana works better for me than any anxiety pill, and I've already contact a doctor who'd be glad to get me off of klonopin with a recommendation for marijuana. Marijuana has less cognitive side effects in my experience too. Klonopin and other potent anxiolytics have a zombie effect on me... Just don't abuse the herb and use it medically, and you'll be fine.

For now, the only state in the USA where you can receive marijuana legally for our ailment is California. With that said, you basically just need medical records of your illness and your word that marijuana helps. It's as simple as that, and there are plenty of docs that specialize in this type of work ;).

I would like to add that a lot of people think these docs are just in it for the money. To this, I must ask why would a doctor would risk their licenses and all of that hard work they put in as a student by recommending patients for marijuana, if in fact, they didn't really believe in it's health benefits? To add to that, think about all of the people they help get off of opiate, benzodiazepine, and even alcohol addictions. They are just using a substitute, of course, but this one is far less destructive, it is all natural, and it was only outlawed in the first place because of racism and money. The doctors who stand up for the liberation of this wonderful drug are doing all of us a favor by doing what they do.

-If so, did you feel better right in the moment you were using or did it last longer?-

It mostly helps just during the time I'm using it. It always gives me a good perspective change, though, especially when my mind is racing with thoughts and I can't seem settle it down. If I use it too much, it seems to provide less relief than if I smoke less than a gram per day. Just a few easy tokes a day seems to provide the best medical benefit for me.

When it comes to long term use in general, I can only say that I feel more in tune with "the truth" that I seem to have always been seeking, even since I was very young. Obviously, smoking ganja everyday is going to cause profound shifts on a person's views on just about everything. I feel like these views have been more beneficial than not, though. I've found out a lot about myself, others, and just life in general through the use this medicine.

What specific benefits did you feel from using it?

Basically it just helps me to relax during tense times, which are often with me, as I have panic disorder and get tense as hell whenever I'm around more than one person or even somebody I don't know... The shift of perspective is what I find most beneficial, as I always feel like, "man why didn't I just think like this before..." you know? I guess its just like my personal mental masseuse haha ready to massage my mind whenever I inhale her mystical essence.



Well-known member
Its great you can find something that helps you but I would be wary on a few issues.

If you are smoking it mixed in with tobacco then one has to consider the health risks of this. In my mind this adds on a far greater risk of smoking related stuff that would out weigh any anxiety benefits.

Also isn't it just relying on something to prop you up. I would rather try and help my anxiety at root level.

Great if you can get it with doctor supervision but in the UK this would be out of the question and I fear that many would not be able to sensibly self medicate. Many I have known on it (I have a massive drug history that I don't wish to talk about-its past) have been really paranoid and quite frankly not nice people to be around. I cant help thinking if not done properly it could cause more problems than it solves.


i've tried so much shit and found one pill that works, but it has shitty side effects that bother me as bad as anything else...the only thing that works is ganja for me...no side effects, doesnt effect me in any negative way...but i get shit from my gf and ppl because i do it so often...i wish they could see my side...christ almighty it sucks

I feel your pain man. It's pure medicine though. People will always have skewed views on the subject, because of the mass propaganda and negative views that have been spread about the subject.

Take, for example, the person who will even read my extensive posts and find something completely irrelevant just to try to negate my views:

If you are smoking it mixed in with tobacco then one has to consider the health risks of this. In my mind this adds on a far greater risk of smoking related stuff that would out weigh any anxiety benefits.

I totally agree, but I never mentioned anything about rolling up any tobacco mixtures. Most doctors would recommend vaporization of your herb, which completely removes any risk of inhaling any cancer causing substances. I advocate that route of administration as well.

Also isn't it just relying on something to prop you up. I would rather try and help my anxiety at root level.

The whole point of medical marijuana for anxiety is to replace physically addictive pharmaceuticals with a safer, just as effective treatment. I don't advise this as a first option by any means. I've simply reached the end of my rope with the "try this, try that," hit or miss tactic that psychiatry calls a science. I'd rather use what I know works- marijuana- a drug that hasn't harmed a fly in it's well documented history of human consumption. It's just common sense to me... But when you're told other things all your life, I can understand how hard it may be to accept some things for what they really are.



Well-known member
Take, for example, the person who will even read my extensive posts and find something completely irrelevant just to try to negate my views

Do you mean me??

I've noticed your defensive pm about my post on your love thread. I wasn't trying to negate your views I was just adding mine and I don't think they are irrevelent points.

I thought I said my piece quite nicely (both threads) with no malace towards you at all.

Its just discussion, peace to you too.


I apologize, amy. I don't remember the other post I made to you, but I apologize. Once you get used to my personality on these forums you'll realize that I mean no harm by saying the things I do. I just have certain things I feel strongly about and defend because these things have no voices to defend themselves.

I agreed with some of what you had to say. I obviously don't just throw away anything other people have to say on this subject. I just try emphasizing what's important about the subject at hand. Sorry for offending you.

Re: Just my opinion on medication...and of course marijuana.

SilentType said:
Fuck all these medicines that doctors say to "give this a try"... If I wanted to "try" something to make myself feel betterake a quiet walk through someplace full of natural beauty, and just take whacky pictures of anything that catches my eye... I'd go a nice beach and just relax with my dog for an afternoon. I'd go spend some money on myself at the store. I'd even enjoy a bowl of some kind bud to mellow out on a boring afternoon.

As far as medications go though...I've been through about them all and the only thing I've gotten out of almost 3 years of "finding out what works for me" was an addiction that I never had before (clonazepam)...

I'll "try" what I know works for me and I'm tired of the government pricks that are keeping some of those things off the market. Hopefully we'll get so far in debt from this damn war that they'll swallow their fucking pride and decriminalize pot just to make some fucking money, those greedy bastard.


or from the "Long term effects of benzos? Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin, etc." post:

SilentType said:
I've only been takin it two years and I'm up to 1.5 mg 3x daily. You guys need a new shrinky dink who knows a little more about the tolerance factor.


Multiple personality disorder?


Please explain sabbath I can't see what you're getting at there...

First quote, I said I'm tired of the doctors yada yada...

Second quote, which I wrote a while back, has to do with me being on those drugs that those doctors prescribed me, and I never advocated them.

I advocate for marijuana, and all you've done here is shown that I take a doctor prescribed anti-anxiety medicine. You've also shown ther part where I say I'm done with it. How does that give me a multiple personality?


Sorry, I didn't notice the dates on the posts. I didn't realize that you had recently stopped taking the meds. Congrats!

I think meds are useless and dangerous. And, like you, I think cannabis should be legalized.

However, we do differ on opinion on whether pot is the best treatment for social anxiety disorder (SAD). I think everyone should try acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for their SAD, GAD, PTSD, OCD, etc. Weed is a great treatment for a lot of mental and physical ailments. But I think the strategies and philosophies of ACT are a much better match to what anxiety sufferers go through.


I actually involve acceptance and commitment into the way I go about living, too. I know I'm never going to be anxiety free, so why keep fighting the losing battle? My acceptance and commitment might differ from others', but I accept the fact that I'm never going to be rid of my panic disorder, and I commit to finding my strengths and work them into my life.

I mean, it's who I am, and there has to be strengths to this. We definitely know what our weaknesses are because since the majority of society is very good at letting us know these things. People like us need to search out what we're good at and just run with it, never hesitating to look back. That's the only way I can see escaping this misery anyways...



New member
Re: Just my opinion on medication...and of course marijuana.

SilentType said:
Fuck all these medicines that doctors say to "give this a try"... If I wanted to "try" something to make myself feel betterake a quiet walk through someplace full of natural beauty, and just take whacky pictures of anything that catches my eye... I'd go a nice beach and just relax with my dog for an afternoon. I'd go spend some money on myself at the store. I'd even enjoy a bowl of some kind bud to mellow out on a boring afternoon.

As far as medications go though...I've been through about them all and the only thing I've gotten out of almost 3 years of "finding out what works for me" was an addiction that I never had before (clonazepam)...

I'll "try" what I know works for me and I'm tired of the government pricks that are keeping some of those things off the market. Hopefully we'll get so far in debt from this damn war that they'll swallow their fucking pride and decriminalize pot just to make some fucking money, those greedy bastard.


I have taken xanax, valium, clonazepam, lots of opiats, and of course tons of alcohol, all in hopes of alleviating my SA.The best medication for me has been good ole' maryjane, especially if you get something of the indica type(very mellow and relaxing btw). I can't believe you can get an rx for xanax but not for weed. I got hospitalized for xanax w/d, it was scary I would get like these terrible "jolts" through out my body. Also I thought I was going nuts, hallucinating and stuff. Marijuana has little to no w/d at all, for me at least.


Prop215 (nice name by the way :D), you're in like the same position as me. I can completely relate to benzodizepines withdrawals. I've always just dealt with them on my own the few times I've tried to end my addiction, and I totally know what you mean with the whole "jolts through your body" thing during withdrawals. It freaks you out and makes you think you're going nuts or something, and I have no idea what could cause such a thing, other than the fact the benzos slow your brain extensively and maybe our neurons are just "sparking" back into regular action throughout our synaptic gaps in our brains, causing weird spasms. Haha let's leave that for the doctor to decide, but whatever causes these "jolts" during benzo withdrawal raises a red flag to me that I shouldn't be taking them...

Most people don't realize that benzodiazepine withdrawals can be deadly. People just think they're safe because these drugs are typically used for 6 weeks or less. In situations like ours, the doctor is only trying to help, be they're creating a whole new problem to deal with. I find the whole thing extremely counterproductive since smoking a vaporized bong hit works just as good for me, yet doesn't result in the horrible addiction/dependence/whatever u wanna call it - it's pretty unavoidable when you're prescribed to take the drugs several times per day.



Also in regard to prop215's post, you couldn't be more right about selecting the right strain of marijuana to smoke when it comes to alleviating anxiety. And you're very right that Indica strains are highly touted to work the best as anti-anxiety medication. There is nothing wrong with having a relaxing afternoon toke, especially when compared to physically addictive substance like benzodiazepines and alcohol. The law is in desperate need of reparation, for the sake of those in need. Why should I go to jail for trying to alleviate my genetic tendency to be overly anxious? It makes absolutely no since, since nobody is being harmed in the process. Yes that's right - nobody is being harmed - vaporized marijuana is completely harmless to the user. But no, the doctor wants to get me addicted to some benzos so I can be even more anxious than I was at first once its time to come off of them. Thanks doc...
