Just curious.. anyone play mmorpgs?


New member
I currently play WoW. If I wasn't playing would probably be sleeping 15 hours a day instead of playing.

I was wondering does it help your SP or make it worse?

For me I think it helps slightly with some descision making irl.


Yeah im on wow at the mo... thinking of giving it up tho,its good n all but its easy for these things to get addictive and eat up all ya time.That can be good i guess if you dont have much else to do cos it sure beats day time tv.But im trying to diff things like working on my drawing and stuff.

I use to play uo (ultima online) a few years back aswell, it kept me out of trouble when i was in trouble... and when i had f all to do it was good and i met some nice peeps.

But i think they kinda take over ya life if you let em and stop you doing other stuff.


Sorry forgot to say aswell... when i was really isolated and depressed.. it helped cos i made some mates... who remained mates out of the game aswell.

But it kinder hinders me now... cos i can end up playin on it too much, and i end up doing nowt constructive and feel worse.And the thing is if ya could just pick up and play these games i think they would be ok... but they require a lot of your time.


Well-known member
I play them!

I have played mmorpgs since EQ first came out :) I played an insane amount of Asherons Call.I currently subscribe to Asherons Call,{Sho Yu on Thistledown} Everquest 2 {Pelenor on Lucan D'lere} and Dungeons & Dragons Online {Sho on Gallandia}.

I find they do help with social interaction to an extent, i made many great friends from Asherons Call.My ac friend lives down in California and he even invited me down there to his big ac get togethers.I was too chicken cause of my socia phobia.I feel bad about that cause i been in his guild since 2000.http://www.obsidian-knights.net/

I played WoW also but currently my account isnt going, my guy was Belenor on lightbringer :)

Im looking forward to playing Vanguard: Saga of Heroes from the original EQ designers and Age of Conan. :D
makeshiftperson said:
I currently play WoW. If I wasn't playing would probably be sleeping 15 hours a day instead of playing.

I was wondering does it help your SP or make it worse?

For me I think it helps slightly with some descision making irl.

Worst thing you could do.

With social anxiety you need to learn to get out in the real world, playing MMORPG's is a way of hiding.

Where are you going to be a year or two from now? Still 'levelling up' on WoW? It's a serious question that needs to be thought about.

It doesn't help as you're not interacting face-to-face. You're looking at and interacting with a virtual world all day. That doesn't help SP in the slightest.


Well-known member
BabyShambles said:
Worst thing you could do.

With social anxiety you need to learn to get out in the real world, playing MMORPG's is a way of hiding.

Where are you going to be a year or two from now? Still 'levelling up' on WoW? It's a serious question that needs to be thought about.

It doesn't help as you're not interacting face-to-face. You're looking at and interacting with a virtual world all day. That doesn't help SP in the slightest.

I disagree...

although my account isn't currently active, I played WoW for a few months and it was great fun. I think its better to interact in a virtual world instead of in no world at all.

I cant wait for the pirates mmporg to come out this year, I'll just drink rum and play that game in all my spare time! At the moment I only play a game called Battlefield 1942 which involves running/flying around killing people. It is a fantastic release and break from the "real world"

the reality is... I have just as much chance of going on a date or making friends whilst playing computer games as I do whilst not playing computer games... no chance at all

so whats the harm in me hitting on Elven Chicks online whilst wearing a magic cloak or deliberately crashing my Spitfire into a convoy of enemy soldiers for a laugh?
I played Ultima Online for 6 years, EQ, EQ2, Neocron, Starwars Galaxies, Anarcy Online, and now WoW ^^

As well as competing in other online games.

Its part of my individuality, and Id never give any of it up :p


Well-known member
BabyShambles said:
Worst thing you could do.

I couldn't agree more (although for slightly different reasons). Any interaction is illusory; you are escaping from the meaningful face to face communication that you need. There is also the issue of the types of people who play these games. I'm willing to wager that there is a higher concentration of individuals with emotional problems/disorders playing MMOGs than any other activity (save group therapy ;). Of course I have no data to support that, but if you were to examine the conversations that take place, the arguments, and what the main emphasis of playing is usually placed on (namely acquiring P}{47 |007 ), you would quickly see how very detrimental it is to someone with a fragile sense of person.

All that being said, I play MMOGs to escape as well. I realise how they affect me, yet I continue to play them. They are my soma, what I use to block all the thoughts of failure and anxiety out.

And Horatio, those "elven chicks", as you probably know how the old stereotype goes (and is mostly true...with integrated voice chat in DDO i'd say 90%+ of female characters are male IRL) are usually played by a fat guy named [insert common male name here].