I've had enuf of this problem!



I've suffered with severe shyness or social anxiety ever since I can remember, some days are worse than others and right now I'm having a seriously bad day. I'm having suicidal thoughts which scares me, I hope I can chat to someone, anyone! :cry:


Well-known member
talk 2 me diet coke!!!!why are you having a bad day?has some thing happened 2 cause it or are u depressed?ive had a bad couple of days 2 am goin 2 docs 2moz argh!lol talk 2 me ne time :lol:


Well-known member
Diet coke, you can im or pm me anytime you want also and I'm sure a lot of people on here know what you are feeling and going through. We have all had our share of bad days and some of us suicidal thoughts too or attempted it. But suicide is never never the answer!
I've sent you a pm too.


Well-known member
Dietcoke said:

I've suffered with severe shyness or social anxiety ever since I can remember, some days are worse than others and right now I'm having a seriously bad day. I'm having suicidal thoughts which scares me, I hope I can chat to someone, anyone! :cry:

That perfectly understandable diet coke.I have had a lot of the same feeling you have.I lot of people here have had the same feeling you have had to.You just have to hang in there.If you need anyone to talk you can talk to me. :D


Well-known member

yea hang in there man. i'm also feeling like that here n there every so often. we all have our ups n downs and we gotta learn to recognise that. don';t give up so easily yeap. i believe you're stronger than that. don't let those demons in you trick n drag you down.

feel free to pm or mm me anytime :)



Well-known member
you might feel like shit today, but tomorrow will be a differnt story. You will without a doubt have a good day soon!