Its about time i say hello...


Hey guys..

I have been reading the posts on this site for quite some time now. I never really had the nerve to post anything before and thought this would be a good start.

I'm a 23 year old Male from Michigan and have known for some time now that i have SA. For the longest time i thought i was just "different" and always had excuses to justify my behavior.
Recently i have been attending Community college (all i can afford).
I have been isolated from People for the longest time now(except my immidiet family) and trying to go back into sociaty has not been an easy thing to do.

I have always felt a greater sense of self awareness and sadness throughout my life. As a kid i had many friends but could be described as shy. Things started really going down hill at about age 15 when i started pushing away the friends i had while always giving myself excuses and justifying why i was doing it. That is also the time when i started "avoiding" situations which had the potential for bad feeling. I started developing what i call "inner reasources" such as reading, writing, playing my guitar and a great love for film. All these tools helped me cope with being alone in my room most of the time.
I still had a couple of friends but not really close ones. Any time they wanted to do anything that would involve being out in public i would make a lame excuse, until they figured out i wasnt interested or didnt want to be around them. I can safely say now, I have no friends. I could lie and say this did not make me sad but deep down i was extremely depressed.

About two years ago i reached a crisis when i faced the possibility of going to college. It had been so long since i had been in any kind of social setting(except grocery shopping) that i had completely lost the ability to communicate properly. I noticed that i had developed some symptoms such as turning red :oops: , sweating, getting dizzy and stumbling on my words while trying to speak to people. I started getting more and more depressed and decided that i couldnt take it any longer. I needed Help.
After seeing a commercial on TV that described the same symptoms, i started researching this subject on the net. That led me to Therapy, and for a whole year i went every week until my money ran out. At the time i was on 2 different types of medication but had bad side effects and was forced to stop taking them.

During my year of therapy i made many realizations about myself and about what social anxiety is. One very important thing i learned is that i cant deal with depression and SA alone and that its ok to ask for help.

I hope i can contribute to the great community on this site. If anyone ever wants to talk please PM me.


Well-known member
It's good you decides to post Maggot.It took me a while to to get up the nerves to post the first time.It's a big step.

Anyways welcome to spw.I can empathize with a lot of what you went through as a lot of people here can to.Good luck. :D :D :D


Well-known member
Hi there Maggot. It's great that you decided to come onboard and share with us what you have been going through. Even in my short time here i have had many pleasant exchanges with other users and just talking about my problems helps me alot.
I too am trying to break back into society after a long period without a whole lot of social contact, and it is very hard and sometimes almost overwhelming.
You have taken the positive step which is understanding what sa is all about, coming to terms with it and trying to get some help.


Well-known member
hey man! nice to meet you! :D

hey i can relate to some of which you mentioned too, and like the others mentioned, lots of us here... and i Mean LOTS are also going thru very similar or maybe even exact situations as you are - just go along traipsing thru this site and talk to the friendly folks and you'll very soon get a superbly clear picture of what i'm talking bout :D

you're not alone in this for sure, and i think it's such a wonderful thing that you opened up in here!
the fact you'd be able to connect with us here and just talk, about anything.
we all need help and some assistance at some point, and you've definitely helped yourself by opening up here, so feel free to share or talk if u need to :)
