It is time to face my fears


Well-known member
I come to realize that there is only one panacea for social phobia and that is to just face your fears. No amount of books or threapy will be a cure. So I have decieded to join Toastmaster club and my first meeting is tonight in about 45 min.. I am getting nervous because I know I'm going to have to give a little presentation (1 to 2 min.) probably impromtu. I'm nervous but deep inside I am just ready to get on with my life. I am willing to look like a social phobic (blush while speaking, choke on my words, or whatever else comes with it) in front of the 20-30 people to get over this.

Please wish me the best of luck.

P.S. If you don't know what toastmaster club is check out there site
maybe its in your best interest to join and try beat SA!
good luck.


Well-known member
Hey MaGuS

great job! glad to hear it - you're doing a great thing for yourself. you won't regret it. hope it goes well for you and remember that all the people there are just as nervous as you!

good luck :D


Well-known member
Thanks Chilling_Echo .... why don't you join me? They have them all over the world. You know and I know it is for the best. Please join me and we'll conquer SA together!

My experience:
As I arrived (late) and entered the building I was feeling a little nervous because I really wasn't sure what to expect. Well, after finding the room they were in, I could see someone giving a presentation through the door window. The room was setup with three long tables in the shape of a U and podiem in the front. There was about 3-4 people at each table. Anyways, after seeing this girl giving a presentation, I really got nervous & learned up against the wall and began to contemplate leaving. At that same point, I knew if I left I would feel like the biggest coward and would never forgive myself so I just quickly opened the door and sat down trying not to think about what it was going to be like. I still felt nervous maybe even more so than a moment ago because now I felt trapped in this room.
Coincidently, just as I sat down the women finished speaking and I got about 5 questions thrown at me from a few different people. ....

i'll just make this long story short... basically if your brave enough to take the class (I am going to give an earnest attempt) in about 6 - 12 months your be very good at communicating in front of people. Your probably be able to give 15 min. presentations without any notes and will feel comfortable with that fact. There is more to the class then just that but I still need to go to a few more to get the real scope, so I let you guys know.

I was by far the most shy in the class but you could tell that others that were in the class that seemed to be new weren't that comfortable in speaking in front of everyone. Every meeting it seems we go through this impromtu thing where we just draw a topic out of a hat and just talk about it but there is always someone giving a speech before hand.

Whether the class is too difficult for an SAer, I doubt it. This class is probably one of the best things an SAer can do. I recommend that Harvey you go to a meeting as a Guest. You can just observe (it is quite entertaining) other people. Your probably feel pretty nervous but its OK, your know your facing your fear like a real man.

I know that after probably 1-2 months, I be able to give at least a 5 min. presentation with out any notes. Yeah, that is some thought for where I am coming from . All this presentation stuff goes beyond just presentating information confidently... it turns you into a leader, improves your relationships, improves one to one encounters, builds confidence... and the list goes on and on.

So Harvery and all other interested readers: standing here together on a road, I see two paths ahead of us. One of the paths leads to a life of cowardice and fear and disilliusionment; the other leads to a life of conquest, self-mastery, self-respect, and, of course, being SA free. Which one are you going to take?... Good, I'll see you up ahead on the SA free path!
Good Luck!


Well-known member
haha my counselor mentioned it to me when i first started therapy but i'm able to do presentations now with enough preparations. ive been to enough counseling to try and think rationally enough and get my body to reaction accordingly haha.

i'm also a part of a NAMI group that meets once a month (i get two because i go to the county one and the one through the school) so it helps to share my experience as so far i'm the only one with SA but i've also only been to one meeting and met only one member. but supposedly i'm the only one. but we have another one on thursday... yay! :p

but i'm soooo glad you didn't chicken out, that shows your dedication. good job, i'll wait for the second parts


Well-known member
I contacted the club president and arranged to attend a meet last January but I chickened out. I was unable to sleep two days previous to the actual meeting and without sleep my anxiety becomes uncontrollable. It's all about anticipation; if someone grabbed me from the computer this instant and took me without my having any prior knowledge, I would probably be able to do it. Knowing ahead of time though...


Well-known member

I'm about to leave in 15 min. for round number two. I'm feeling a little nervous (sigh). I want to give up but I refuse at this moment. It's really not that bad when I think about in a logical sense, detached from it all. Still.... it kinda gets to you when you know you may have to present.

Please wish me luck.